
November 18th, 2015




Whelp, I had my first and last shift at McDonald's last night. Apparently maintaining eyecontact with some douchecanoe as you spit in his burger is grounds for termination or something. But fuck, if he don't want people spitting in his burgers and shit maybe he shouldn't be enough of an asshole to make the sixteen-year-old girl behind till cry.




I think... I had one of those dreams everyone keeps talking about.




Is it too early to start Christmas shopping?

Last year I completely forgot and going to the stores two days before was the worst experience imaginable. And Black Friday is insane, but I feel like I should try to get a head start this time.




I feel like I absolutely need THIS in my life! And then lock myself in my bedroom and marathon all of the movies.

The price is heart attack inducing though..