
October 29th, 2015




Well, I'm doing it. I'm going to New York to try and match up some landmarks from my dreams. Apparently it's cheaper to do the whole thing sooner rather than later, so I'll be in New York the 6th of next month through the 8th. I found a BnB by the subway for fifty bucks a night. Maybe in the middle of my sightseeing adventure I'll get some Christmas shopping done.




So I heard that my friend Remus was on this message boarding thing and I thought I'd come see what sort of stuff was going on here. So far it doesn't seem very Remusy. So what's this place for? Doesn't seem like Craigslist, which is good cause Remus never seemed like the Craigslist type. You know what I mean and if you don't, I mean that you always hear weird stories where Craigslist is involved. So what's this place for?

Oh yeah, and my name is James Potter!




It's been a long time since I've been around this many modern buildings. Alright, that sounds incredibly weird, but when you've spent the past year staring at various monuments and ruins in Athens you forget how awesome The Grove in LA looks. I will miss my time there, but I'm also so glad to be back over here and my first stop was In N Out, which amused my parents greatly. The heart wants what the heart wants and I will not deny it.

Also, I'm Lily Evans, grad student at UC Irvine, and directed here via my adorable friend Remus Lupin.




I had a dream last night, myself and this other man were walking down a long dirt road headed toward a town village. There was some sort of fight already going on within its borders, I'm not sure who or what was going on but there was something unsettling about me coming back to this place.

It was strange, and when I went to the bathroom this morning I could've sworn my eyes had changed color slightly as well. They had a red tint to them.




Been enjoying working around here. Beats being on a set holding down a folding chair. If you see me around on campus at [address] I'm not loitering. I'm there fixing a fender bender. Two people backed into each other and locked bumpers. No idea how they managed in the plastic they're driving.

World's a strange place.




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I've been dreaming of an apartment. It's apparently important. I dreamed of moving there. I dreamed of living there. No big deal. Pretty normal.

Last week though I dreamed about the apartment and...it was different. It was red. Like rusted up or maybe someone had slaughtered something in it. None of my furniture was where it was supposed to be. A credenza I had in the corner had been shoved over and a record player was where my TV used to be. It was like I was dreaming about a dream about the apartment.

Then this thing crawled out of the wall by the credenza. I would call it a monster, except it was human shaped. Bald, naked and zombie like. It crawled out of my wall and then crawled across the floor towards me, reaching out to grab hold of me and moaning. I can still hear it.

Then last night I dreamed I was trapped in the apartment. It was my apartment...well, the same one I'd been dreaming about before, except the door is chained shut. Not like your usual security chain, like someone actually chained it up from the inside.

I can't get out. I can't get out of the apartment. I've been trapped there for a week. And I don't think anyone has even noticed I'm gone.




So, awhile ago there was a bit of a 'scam', I guess you could call it, where people were getting to 'sign up' to go to Mars all alone, for the rest of their lives. For the longest time I've been thinking if I'd do it or not; at the time, I think I would have, but I'm glad it turned out to be a scam, because now I think I'd regret agreeing to it. Though, I'm sure you could back out at some point.

Curious though, would anyone else do it? The chance of a lifetime, really. To live on another planet, to be the first 'colony' on another planet. To actually be the spearpoint that makes sci-fi so real in a way we may never have thought possible... I'm still curious what I'd do when push came to shove.




I've never understood the parents who post pictures of their kids potty training. Two of my facebook friends, this morning, posted pictures of their kids doing this. I never even took pictures of Lian doing this. I mean, if you wanna let friends or family know your kid is potty training can't you just text them the pictures? I just don't get it.




I can't go back to sleep so I've been looking up random videos on youTube. I think this might be my favorite one tonight.




Some creepy one sentence horror stories.

~I was looking at my pictures on my cell phone. Found one of me sleeping. I live alone.

~My daughter was crying and screaming all night. I visited her grave told her to stop.

~My daughter heard her named being called downstairs as she walked towards the hall I pulled her in my room and said I heard that too.

~I was awoken my a comforting womens voice off the baby monitor I switched positions in bed and brushed up against my wife.




Sometimes my dreams leave me amazed at the places my dream self has gone. My latest one, I was in Egypt. My poor dream self is more than a little out of time as she was initially from Victorian England and ended up in the 21st Century. It wasn't even Halloween but she was dressed like Angelina Jolie's Lara Croft was.

Would've been a good costume idea, I suppose.