
September 10th, 2015




I feel like I have not done much this summer because there are no entrance exams and it is long.

What is common university preparation here? Anything to not think about

Are you okay?




Is it weird to be excited about finding a new bead store? Because I'm definitely excited about finding a new bead store.

How are you settling in? No strange dreams? Have you decided to save your sanity and lea




Lately, I have been revisiting some older shows and re-falling in love with them.

Currently, I am watching Daria. Is it odd that I used to find Trent Lane attractive? Watching, again, I am more aware of how much of a slacker he is. Sure, he has his band but they don't get gigs consistently, he's still living at home and sleeps in till God knows when.

Aside from that, the show is still great. Daria's realistic attitude is quite appreciated.

"Excuse me...you're standing on my neck."