
September 1st, 2015




Its a little early to start playing Halloween music in my store, but it isn't too early for me to start compiling Halloween play lists to play in my store during October.

I have a good start:

Thriller - of course; some Voltaire, The Ghostbuster's theme; music from the Nightmare Before Christmas (which is good to play from Halloween all the way through the holidays in my opinion)

Does anyone have any suggestions they'd like to add?




And it would seem the dream fairy as struck again, this time with a bunch of outfits from different time periods. Always interesting to wake up to.

So, I don't know if you watched the US Open or not, but this is a thing that happened. Before non Russian you sang songs.




I cut my hands up pretty badly on the rose bushes today, but by the time I made it to the bathroom to wash and bandage my hands, there was no sign of the wounds! I mean, other than the blood I washed away.

That was... strange.




I ain't done any fishing since leaving home, but damn, these boys caught some pretty orange "cat fish".

Good on them, I ain't heard if they went back to see if there were anymore or not, but according to the reports the kittens have found a new home.




I'm not fond of purchasing purebreed animals, not with there being so many in shelters and rescues that need to be adopted. I may, however, make an exception.

There's a "new" breed of cat called Lykoi. They've got the nickname "werewolf cat" for obvious reasons.

Just look at them. )

They're so cute. Now I just have to justify spending 2,100 dollars on a bloody cat.

Edit: I decided I didn't need a justification; I have the money, and I have the room. Now I just have to name him so I'm ready when I pick him up. Any ideas?




As most of our close friends know D'Artagnan and I were married in Paris on Saturday and it all went perfectly. Thankfully he was happily surprised.

We're currently in the town where D'Artagnan was born in the dreams and staying in a lovely quaint little place.

As my first act as adoring husband I have decided to share this picture with you all.

Cute picture under cut )




Did you know there are only 114 days or 16 weeks until Christmas? That's just 16 more Saturdays to do your shopping.

You're welcome! ;)

Edited to add: And 94 days til Hanukkah!




I avoided all that ugliness by burying myself in a personal project. Which means that tomorrow, I'm going to launch my airship. She's finally put together!

My dreams had a happy ending too. I think. Well sort of happy. Bittersweet with promise, maybe, since there's still so much to do. Unless I dream of more. It felt not like an ending but more like a new beginning.

But you can't get more romantic than a trip for two into the spirit world.




This crew of rebels I'm helping in my dreams reminds me of the good old days.




Okay, that wasn't awkward at all.




I know that one day I want to have children with my fiancé. We've discussed it, and a small family will be ours if all goes well. However, I'm kind of terrified at the actual process of labour. My mum was really very... insistent upon me giving her grandchildren, so she made me watch a lot of labour and delivery videos on the internet. (Among other weird things.) It's one of the things I don't miss about her.

All that being said: I wish Mum were around to watch this video with me. Don't worry, if you click it takes you to an article about a woman who is going to have a dolphin midwife. Yes. I said dolphin midwife. There's a video of another woman included as a sort of footnote. She had a human midwife, but a dolphin attending. The dolphin looks suitably confused, as would anyone who had a person randomly come into their house, plant their arse down, and start birthing a child would look.

So now I am equal parts nostalgic and homesick for my mother, as well as grossed out.




Apartment is get! Apartment is also hella tiny and in a shitty part of Lake Forest, but it's my hella tiny shithole.

Nux, I'm gonna cook you and your brothers dinner to thank you for letting me crash. No arguing.

Hey, Max, wanna have a sleepover like we used to? I've got the horror movies if you bring the snacks.




And here I was thinking I knew every significant network on the web. I'm Dutch. Hello.