
August 10th, 2015




What is it about some people that makes them so damn nosy? A coworker and I were talking, and she asked why I don't wear a wedding ring. I told her that it's because - gasp - I'm not married. Now it's her personal quest or something to find me a date. Thank god someone told her that I'm not married anymore because I'm a widow, which made her back off. But that's not the point, not really, she should've backed off when I asked.

Ugh. Stop signing me up for weird websites with gross names like Plenty of Fish and start doing your job so your patients don't complain to me.




I can't believe that Viv is fifteen days old. Fifteen days. I'm on some pretty heavy duty pain killers that make the world seem a big foggy, but it feels like it's been longer. Maybe the lack of sleep makes it harder to judge the time?

Fifteen days. Wow.




I love Amazon packages in the mail. I just got a couple of card games I've really been looking forward to playing. I'm thinking it's time for a game night! Or, Game late afternoon at Stark?

Anyone want to play Gloom and Love Letter with me?




I know digital is all the rage, but there's something about capturing a scene with an analog camera that digital can't compare to. I know that sounds pretentious but I've got this old Canon A1 I found in a thrift shop that takes gorgeous shots. But I still love my trusty polaroid!