
July 3rd, 2015




So, dating a teammate is probably a bad idea? Probably? But kissing another teammate isn't? My Dream Self can make some ridiculous decisions.

But I like the turn where Hawkeye (The Avenger Hawkeye) recognises my perfume and gives me presents and calls me Hawkeye. Validation. He's just as hot there as he is here.




'reputable bars' are a crock of shit. you get people drunk, what the fuck do you think is going to happen?

this place has too many goddamn hippies. quit your vegan horseshit and eat some bacon, you'll feel better.

(ooc: lots of bad language in comments, sorry!)




Weird dreams last night. I guess my midnight enchilada nibble didn't agree with me. Whoops?

But flying in dreams is always fun, but the elves, those were new. YOU CAN CALL THEM HYLIAN ALL YOU WANT DREAMS THEY'RE FRICKIN' ELVES.
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So, hey there.

Name's Clarke. I moved to Irvine a couple of weeks ago and have been trying to make sure I know how to get around.

Figured it was time I actually introduced myself and met some people. I'll be studying nursing at UC Irvine this fall.




Paris was incredible. I obviously can't show any pictures of the costumes but I did manage to fit a little sightseeing in :)

Pictures under the cut )




My dreams are a tease. When the object of your affections that you don't possibly expect to ever return those affections starts flirting with you.

Too bad we don't have enough time to really think about that, what with the impending invasion.




I made a poor decision. I spent way too much money on fireworks, I don't know if I have enough for food for the next couple of days.

Still, fireworks. I'll make do with these. I'm going to launch them off the top of my apartment complex. It's a flat roof up there, so I'm also bringing up some food, table, and chairs. I refuse to believe no one will join me, but there is a good chance I will be quietly launching fireworks into the abyss all by my lonesome.

This might be sad, but I'll enjoy it.

You're all invited though!

[Filtered to Zelda]

I figured out the song!

Finally. and I can't believe I didn't recognize it, it's pretty famous, but without the lyrics it was just stuck there and... damn it.

But whatever, this means you can serenade me to any song now!

[Filter to Navi]

So I've got some time tomorrow before Fireworks and festivities, mind if I swing by and help with whatever you may need help with?
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I am not super patriotic mostly because I'm not American. (Yes, gasp! - I am a foreigner.) But I will be using your Explosions Are Fancy holiday tomorrow to make all of these because, like many of you, I bloody love drinking.

That, and I will be spending the day with my future in-laws, and being nice for so many hours will probably make me want to be naked and tipsy at home. I hope that's a normal reaction. Future Pops-In-Law is intimidating.




FILTER: Friends

Hey. Um. So... you've probably noticed I've been kind of, oh, say... unBuffylike (adjectives of choice may vary), and I kinda got stuck in the bitch-fu. Don't really want to talk about what's been going on, 'cause I've kinda had my venting and bone smash fest '15, so the worst is kinda behind me. I just... I know I haven't been myself and I'm sorry. Nobody deserves a grumpy Buffy.

..yeah.. so. There. 'Kay. Bye.


Thank you.




So I was bored and trawling the web, as you do, and found this. I mean wow! I thought I was flexible and had good balance, but this is just crazy! Something to aspire to I guess.