
June 2nd, 2015




Thomas Hardy was born 175 years ago today I feel I should read something of his to commemorate this.

The question is what? Far from the Madding Crowd, The Mayor of Casterbridge, Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Jude the Obscure? Any votes?




Cafe's cleaned up. Paperwork's all done so everyone got paid even though we had a little down time. New friends were made. It's not a bad way to start June, right?

Something like that.

Summer menu is in effect, took the down time to make a new one up, so most of the usual comfort foods are there with some summer favorites, too. Including Shrimp Creole, true Southern Sweet tea and homemade Cinnamon Ice Cream.

Come on down and enjoy. And you know, keep me entertained.




When you get to have your cake and eat it too. Like I got a girlfriend but I can still fool around with other people. The best things in life.




Someone cut themselves at work today. All I could think of was how desperately I wanted to taste it. Oh God...

Sunburn, really?




And horses are officially ruined for me.

(ooc: trigger warning for possible disturbing imagery)