
May 2nd, 2015




Have you ever had a dream that was so damn real that even after waking up it terrifies you? I've never been one to remember dreams but tonight was so vivid. I dreamed that I was little and that my parents and my sister were killed in a car accident. For it to be just a dream the pain was so real. And then my brother put his entire life on hold to take care of me.

I know that none of them were really happy getting a phone call in the middle of the night but I just had to hear their voices.

I don't think I'll be going back to sleep tonight.




I think I had one of those dreams people go on about. It was quite a bit of fun.




shit, I got too stoned

That moment when you make an abundance of macaroni stuffed baked potatoes wrapped in bacon, and then you eat it. Like, all of it. I am, for once, genuinely concerned about my health but at the same time, regret nothing?

Does chewing on salad counter-act all that, or should I just not even try?




[Filtered to Gwen Stacy]

How do I go about applying to Stark Industries? I mean, you know, since you're like Miss Assistant and all that, do I uh... give you my resume, or send it to HR, or ... build a giant mechanical AI arm that can play marbles?

Because I have an idea, but not the resources.

[/end filter]

So I've been watching a lot of Cracked: After Hours, and realized today that I am seriously underwhelming in my nerdiness that I can't think of these things in this way. I love it, it's clever, but I can't decide if I'm ashamed, jealous, or happy about the fact I can't think along those lines.

Also, I just had the cheese fries off of In n Out's 'secret' menu. Amazing.




1) I think that Deadpool guy has a crush on me. It's kind of creepy when a guy has you on his underpants.
2) Squirrels are sweary in my dreams. And now I know for a fact they are here too.




Please tell me someone else has seen the news recently.