
April 21st, 2015




In these new dreams, I seem to have married Smee at some point. I'm really very unsure how to feel about that.

Also I swear, since I've started dreaming, ticking clocks are causing my eye to twitch more and more. It can't be possible that clocks have gotten louder, which means I must be noticing them more. Hardly very pleasant.




It seems I am not lucky enough to have escaped these dreams. 19th Century insane asylums are not something I would recommend. It was actually rather disturbing.




Huh, amazing the random news articles you find when insomnia strikes.

Kermit is real

Now I can't get the muppet theme song out of my head.




OMG I think my eyes are going to bug out of my skull. I have this big paper due and I've been working on it ALL FREAKING NIGHT. Ugggghhhhhhhhhh

I don't think I've ever needed Red Bull as much as I do right now to get me through work this afternoon.




I think I've spent too much time in the sun last weekend. No one wanted to sit inside and paint, everyone wanted to be outside. I'm not really equipped to be a teacher but I don't really have a choice.

At least the horses are nice.



Locked from Rapunzel's Prince because he is a fartface.





Figured it was about time I jumped onto this thing, never been the biggest social media guy. Always kind of felt like it took too much energy, but I suppose that's just ridiculous and really it's because I was scared of the man and him watching my every move.

But I was a Marine, so, suppose that ship sailed a long time ago. Regardless, hello everyone I know and do not know. My name is Anakin.




I've done it! BY GEORGE I'VE DONE IT!

Never in my wildest dreams, never in the most remarkable corners of my self-conscious have I ever thought it possible, but I've actually gone and done it! It's a whole new world for me, a whole new feeling and array of possibilities.

I cooked something other than Ramen and it didn't burn! With this new found power I shall take over the world!

Throw me your culinary masterpieces, for I am the master of a homemade cheeseburger!




I had a feeling my father wasn't in the prison. Instead we found an old man who had shared the cell with my father. Told us that he vanished with a witch, so now we're on our way to the Tellari Swamps to find a woman named Yavana who is called the Beast of the Tellari Swamps. I'm already guessing that that can't be good. No one gets a nickname like that for having tea parties and collecting kittens.

Oh, my dreams are never dull.




I did it! I thought for a while they were favoring me for the role of Myrtha because they had me dance as her, but the cast list was posted and I'm their Giselle!




Surprised myself a bit today. Was unaware I new French, but apparently I do. A group of French students came to visit the station during a study abroad trip. I thought I was just talking in English but one of them complimented me on it. I never even studied it before.

Anyone else gain a language recently?




I tell you folks what, April has really gotten to me something fierce. First off, I'm knocked flat on my ass the first couple days of the month, sick as a dog. Maybe the flu, I don't know, but I sure as hell ached all over, could barely move without feeling nauseous.

Then I had more of them damned dreams, which just keep getting stranger the more I have them. (And I did meet you, Victor, like you said. Some gentleman you are.)

And now the horses are acting skittish around me. Do I smell funny?

Least I got to keep my own body, is all.




Oh my god. Our world is doomed. Has anyone else heard about this whole #‎KylieJennerChallenge‬? The pictures are just ridiculous. I mean, not only are there teenagers with abnormally large lips, but some of them went too far and actually injured themselves.

I'm just glad that I daughter is too young to pay much attention to this and too smart to try it.