
April 10th, 2015




By the Dread Wolf...




Seems I had it easy at botanist school. Legit college is a pain.




I have to say, I never envisioned myself learning fencing, let alone attempting to teach it.

My apologies Hans for not being as quick on the uptake as some of your youngest students.




With very little to do in the way of work until this condition passes, I have been spending too much of my time on things like Buzzfeed. It is a good waste of time, though sometimes I do see stories that upset me.

I do suppose this is the world we live in. But I cannot help but feel almost sad, for I myself am a practicing Catholic (though I do wonder how my new found vampirism will affect that) and an ambassador. I do not know the man, but he is a peer, and it would cause me a certain amount of discomfort to be in such a position as him. I will keep him in my prayers.

[ooc: possible trigger warning? Link goes to report of ambassador being denied for his sexuality.]




I feel like my recent dreams about possessing another's body has made me a little more equipped to deal with this recent bout of Orange County strangeness. Of course, it would have probably been less strange if I'd been swapped with a man, but it's not as if we could choose who we were swapped with. I think the part that's strangest to me is being human again. I've been a vampire for almost a year now, so suddenly being human again is quite strange.




What does that say about me if the more disturbing part of my most recent nightmares was not running around at night with a guy who dresses up like a bat?