
March 8th, 2015




In honour of it being International Women's Day (not that there ever really needs to be a reason), I'd like to just say to all the women on this network.

You are all absolutely brilliant and gorgeous.




I decided it was probably in everyone's best interest if I took the weekend off of work this week, which feels a little strange. I don't often have time off.

But this weekend is quickly shaping up to be the best weekend I've had in years. So I suppose time off isn't the end of the world.




Never been more unsettled at the sight of a watch. Quite ominous, really. Did you know that in many East Asian cultures, it's considered bad luck to give watches (as well as shoes and calendars) as gifts? When such items pass hands, a small sum of money is often exchanged to eliminate the stigma.

I've come home to two surprises too many today.




I miss knowing what I'll do for my future. This place has changed everything. You'll excuse me, I'm having a rather down day. nightmares wouldn't let me sleep. I worry that I'll lose my way.




My dad called, and asked if we were getting together for Father's Day. I said No. Too blunt?

Why I have this strange urge to just tell people every single thing every single time is beyond me. What is going on around here?




My dream flatmate is a complete bastard. He might actually very well be a complete bastard in real life, too.




It's International Women's Day today.

There are so many wonderful women who have made incredible contributions to the world, maybe take a little time today to read about some of them. You may be surprised.




I don't know about ya'll but I've been having a weird couple of days. First, I had to point-blank tell this nice couple that I couldn't sit for their kids anymore. Then, when my professor asked why I wasn't listening, I said "I just don't get it." And -- I think I told my boss that I'm in love with him?

The thing is I know I'm not dreaming. So, what's going on?




Things I got today: a Hel-hound puppy!

His name is Thori. No news yet if he breathes fire and spits out vicious death threats but I'm pretty sure he does.




Well, I'm back from the Restaurant owners convention in Vegas. Very informative and the gambling wasn't too bad either. Elena, Damon, is Ciao Bella! still standing?




I'm not so certain why people are getting all worked up because suddenly they need to speak the truth. Frankly, I don't know why people don't just say what's on their minds all the time. I certainly try to.

In my dreams, though, I do seem to have my fair of secrets. I guess when you very literally hold the secret of reanimation in your mind, you don't want to go around saying it. I don't think people would take well to it. Even my new associates who apparently are hunting what I can only guess are vampires.

It's rather an odd turn that these dreams have taken.




There's something so fulfilling about getting one over on these Cardinals. First Richelieu, and now Mazarin. As if there was any doubt that we Frondeurs would succeed. I'm sad another adventure's come to an end. I think that would be it for me, in those dreams. I didn't even bargain anything for myself - I wanted my mistress and her son to get the money and the land I could have asked for myself. Though, to be perfectly frank, I'm almost certain the son was mine.

Oh! Which reminds me, tomorrow I'll be finding out if I'll be getting a son or daughter. I say I'd be happy with either. I would be, really, but I really really hope it's a girl. I'd quite like a daughter.