
February 21st, 2015



Filtered away from Helen Magnus

The urge to not answer my phone the next time my mom calls me is very strong. But I know that by not answering she'll only call more frequently. Or come over.

Tell me I'm not the only one here who suffers from the over-protective parent syndrome? Don't get me wrong, I love my mom to pieces, but sometimes she forgets I'm an adult now.




FILTER: Gwen Stacy
Gwen. Hello! I should've been in touch with you sooner. Been a bit busy, trips and things.

Ah. I wanted you to know that the burning's stopped. I'm alright now.

FILTER: Helena Wells
Checking in on you, as you might expect.  How are you?

FILTER: Cindy Cendrillon & Garrus
Saw your shop's being well-looked after, Cindy. Thought I'd drop you both a line though, see how you're faring.

I lied. Before.

About the Doctor.

No more need to worry about me, Clara. I remembered a dream. No burn! Brilliant.

So! How are you doing? Be honest.

New York! Hell of a city! Quite liked it, though it is a bit smelly, isn't it? Amazing place though--marvelous! Got to take time to make it back there one day. Knew this would happen, caught the travelling bug. Perhaps a bit of running around the country would do me some good. I hear it keeps away unwanted dreams.

And ridiculous criminal activity apparently. Is everyone alright?



Locked from Ashley Magnus;}

I had believed the dreams couldn't get worse. Then they bring me this. This reminder. As if I needed to be reminded that my daughter's It's bad enough we're forced to lead these other lives in our dreams. But "gifts" as well?




It seems I'm in need of a new assistant. The last one didn't work out.




How the hell is it that practically every cheap and trashy bar I can walk to is closed due to fire damage repairs?

These are dark times.




I'm sure I can figure out how to get this into a lesson plan! It's perfectly legitimate, right?