
February 18th, 2015




Reliving a more twisted version of high school in my dreams isn't exactly my idea of a good time. Who wants to go back to high school, really?




Well, Lent begins today. And, I thought I'd mention some oft overlooked aspects of scripture.

Jesus and Mary were a couple of lookers, weren't they? I mean, I could certainly see why God chose to knock up Mary. And Jesus? I would walk behind him any day of the week. Unf. God's chosen indeed.




Sucks that I had a broken hand and nose for like, a few days. But yay for being healed! Going through midterms when there are bombs going off is killer. No, sir. I don't like it.

Looking forward to the end of the school year. I have so much work to do to make sure I keep my grades up. That being said, I'm having the world's largest Mocha Frappe ever made with my lunch. I might not sleep for three days, but it's worth it.




So now is probably the time to admit to all who know us that D'Artagnan has agreed to tie himself to me for the rest of our lives and we're officially engaged.

He has made me ridiculously happy by saying yes and we're looking forward to whatever awaits us together.




I had to call in sick this afternoon. I've got some sort of plague cold. Flu? Whatever it is, it's miserable and I feel like I'm going to die.

I need chicken soup and thirty or so hours of solid sleep. Nyquil. Drugs. I need lots and lots of drugs.




So I've had to miss school the last couple of days while my face heals. So I've been binge watching a show called the IT Crowd. I've never seen it before, and it's amazing. Super funny.

I've also had some crazy dreams, they've been keeping me up. Scary things, always waking up a bit cold or scared. Nightmares I guess. Just, well I've never felt anything like them. There's a forest, and kids that are adults but... I don't know. Must be the medication stuff.

[Filtered to Clara Oswald]

Sorry Ms. Oswald for not making class. I was mugged, near my house. I'm fine, nothing taken, just beat up a bit.

Don't worry though, I intend to be back in class soon.

[/end filter]




Allegedly posting on here will get me more publicity for my bouts, but I doubt it. This seems kind of like a niche site. At least there's nobody posting in that weird shorthand kids like. Ur is actually already a word, and it doesn't mean "you're". Look it up.

I'm Bull.




Someone surely missed Zevran, no?