
February 14th, 2015




Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and I'm having a sale on love charms. Please keep in mind that these aren't voodoo or anything like that, they're just simple little charm bags to attract more love into your life. They won't work on any specific person, just as a general boost.

Also because tonight is Friday the Thirteenth, keep your favourite good luck charm on you. Just in case.




So much going on this week! I can't remember the last time I've been this busy. Tomorrow is Valentine's day, and then we have Aramis's birthday party on Monday. I think I've got all the arrangements for that down, it should be a blast.

And beyond that, there's a new addition to our little family, which we've mentioned to a few people. But I wanted to introduce him to the group at large.

This is Mousqueton, who I'm calling Moose because that's a little easier to pronounce. He's an absolute sweetheart, and he gets along perfectly with the kitten. He likes to curl around Bazin when he sleeps, to keep him safe I think. Melts my heart.




I had the most amusing conversation with one of my co-workers today. We were at lunch and she asked me if I was going to see 50 Shades of Grey this weekend and when I told her that I wouldn't go see that movie if it was the last movie ever made and she actually called me a prude. Me, a prude. I couldn't help but laugh cause anyone who knows me really well knows that I'm anything but. Has anyone else had this happen to them when telling someone you weren't going to see the movie or hadn't read the books?

But picture it, Rapunzel and Snow White, talking about 50 Shades of Grey.




Well ain't this a mighty fine howdy do.

I was told by a couple of the younger, more tech savvy folk that I work with that is the hot new place to be. So I figured I'd give it a look, see what all the fuss is about.

My name is Ethan Chandler, I run my daddy's farm and ranch over in Irvine. I've been trying to convince him to let me expand into horseback riding lessons, so I thought why not take a poll of what seems to be the general public, see if there's any interest.

Would any of you folk here be interested in such a thing? We've got a lot of experienced cowboys who ain't got enough to do, it might be as good for them as it would be for you.




An old colleague of mine just sent me this link. I'm not quite sure what to do beyond sigh and shake my head a bit.




My current Valentine's Day is being spent staring at movies on Netflix. I've chosen Knights of Badassdom. Uhm... interesting flick to say the least.




What is the point of Valentine's Day again?