
February 9th, 2015




Sometimes I feel like a righteous man wouldn't have none of these problems, but then I've seen that righteous man and I don't want nothing to do with him.



Filtered away from Elena Salvatore

So, the question of the day - What to get for my wife for Valentine's Day? I have no idea.

I need some serious help here. She's already gotten the old jewelry, candy, lingerie thing.




[Image behind cut! food porn]

You know, I always wondered how I'd die.

I always knew it probably wouldn't be pretty. I won't be in bed surrounded by fat grandchildren with a tub full of jell-o beside me, because by then I would have lost all my teeth and I'd have a gelatin diet. I thought I'd probably get shot. Or I'd do some epic suicide mission with a bunch of explosives strapped onto me. You know, heroic crap.

But now I know how I'm going to go. And the way I'm going to die is by eating these for breakfast for the next couple years. BEHOLD )

And I'm really, really okay with that. Just let me go the way I was meant to.



[Locked from Asami]

My dreams are heading in this direction... well it's not a good one. I like to pretend that everything is awesome and things are just great, but the truth is that I have no idea how much more of this crap Dream Me can take.

Sure, she's strong, and she's the Avatar. But she had her connection to everything that essentially makes her... her... severed completely, and she nearly died. Now people are trying to kill her just for what she stands for. The leader's basically holding an entire nation hostage, and I'm pretty sure-

Lord Zuko gave me advice, and I know what Avatar Aang would do. I don't have a connection to him anymore, but I know what he'd do. I'm pretty sure Dream Me is about to give herself up. I know we don't die in real life if we die in our dreams, but who knows what's going to happen?

I just hope I'm alive for my V-day date on Saturday. Asami dreams, too, but I hope she hasn't dreamt of this stuff yet. I want to knock her dead and just enjoy our time together.




Can this holiday season be over? For the last time if another person asks me at my cafe if I've got a date because they're concerned about me being single, I will punch them in the face.

If one more person asks for a valentine's meal, I will also punch them in the face.

I am sick of making heart shaped foods. Oh. My. God.



[Blocked from TVD Peeps except Matt Donovan]

Curious, has anyone else here done things in their sleep and not remembered doing it the next morning? I woke up this morning with two wooden stakes in my bed and a knife and my desk chair in pieces. Same thing happened in my dreams too, right after I got the Hunter's Mark. This means that it can only get worse and eventually I'll have the overwhelming urge to kill vampires, which is bad since most of the people in my dreams become vampires. I don't know what I'm gonna do when that happens.




Don't forget you single guys and gals this Saturday Always is a couple free club so you don't have to be surrounded by hearts and flowers and just have a fun night of drinking and dancing!

Have fun!




So took to this here device, thing, and put 'er to use and now I'm not real clear on what I'm meant to be doin'. I guess maybe sharing pictures of cats and makin' some political statements or somethin', but that's not really my strongest suit. Not a learned enough fella to make any sort o' statements like that.

So, instead, I'll take a quick crack at this social media thing and introduce myself. Name's Malcolm Reynolds, I own the Serenity bar down by the docks on Copper Lane. I also run Browncoat Bonds, bail bonds outfit, 'n my more tech savvy customers at the bar suggested this'd be a good place to advertise. So anyone need some bailin', or need to be shown the way back to their pretty cells, just give me a holler and I'll come rollin' by. And if ya need a good drink in a place that don't care too much what ya' smell like, come down to Serenity.

And don't send me pictures of cats. If ya' do, it best be damn cute.




Award show hangovers are always the most interesting and I'm fully blaming my date for this one. But that was certainly one interesting Grammy's. Kayne West really needs to be seated at the back of the audience so he doesn't have enough time to run up on stage and ruin some poor person's moment.

And now I'm off to find some water to soothe this headache. Not sure what made my headache worse - the drinks or the Dreams that decided to happen last night. Can I take an aspirin to prevent those from happening anymore?




I am thinking of hosting a small dinner party for a few of my associates, in honour of Valentine's Day, and because I haven't hosted a party in far too long.

My mind went immediately to serving seared beef heart, or perhaps a tartar, but I wondered if that might not be a tad cliché.

So I will present the question to the general public: would serving heart for a Valentine's dinner party be too much?




My dreams are getting more and more interesting. In the first one I had I was just playing in the opera house, but in my last one I was actually a ballerina performing in the corps de ballet. I mean, it's still weird, but now it's kind of in a cool way. Does that make sense?