
February 6th, 2015




I'm terrified to sleep.




I think the Dreams are over. I mean, knowing my luck I could be wrong, but it looks as though we all got our happy ending. So what happens next?


Dream you is a dick for faking your death. I have never in my life seen Marguerite more morose, not even when we lost our parents. Glad to know you weren't really dead, though.


I think I want to go out to eat with my big sister tonight. My treat. Anywhere you want to go.




I had more dreams finally. They are still cute. I am bad, but not that bad. I think I need new clothes and a new dream motto, and the cross dressing thing is really not for me. I know if Jessie was around, she'd be laughing at my ridiculous outfits in the dreams.

I also got another movie as head of hair and makeup.

I am also single again. It's okay since I am working over Valentine's Day now.




I'm pretty sure the whole 'I'm On A Boat' song pretty much explains most of what I just dreamed about. But hey, it's a cool thing. Usually people have to take some kind of drug for shit like that. And this is free.

No complaints. Yet. But, yeah. I was on a boat. A big one. I even got the tickets for it, but I'm pretty sure the boat historically sank, too.




I... have a strange book from my dreams. It feels insane, but does anyone have any knowledge on magic? There's something.... weird about this thing.




It feels as if I'm reaching the end of my dreams soon, though I was greeted with yet another item from my them, this time a replica of my own head. It's astonishingly accurate and be it narcissism or appreciation of workmanship, but it has found a place on my mantle.




A trident. Was in my home. Where I live with my son.