
February 2nd, 2015




Wow okay, someone remind me to not be out driving when Superbowl parties let out because holy shit that was insane. The cops are no doubt going to easily meet their quotas tonight.

Also seriously, what's up with all the crime? Totally thought Orange County was better than that. But hey, made it back to my apartment in one piece, at least! God damn it now mom'll know I'm here




Katy Perry was an excellent choice for the half-time show.

And Missy Elliot's alive? Thought she fell off the face of the planet.




Dear Chevy,

That was fucked up. You don't mess with the Super Bowl.

Not cool.




While most people are talking about the Super Bowl...I only watched a little of it. Mainly the commercials. Didn't care much for the teams.

Today I also watched the Kitten Bowl and Puppy bowl. Annie was insistent on it. I don't understand how people can watch it for more than five minutes.




Two residents escaped a one-story house in Huntington Beach on Monday afternoon before it was engulfed in flames.

Officials say they received around 30 calls about the explosion from neighbors in the subdivision, with one neighboring home sustaining damage from the explosion. One occupant home at the time of the explosion is being interviewed.

Police and fire officials, in conjunction with gas companies, are investigating the cause of the explosion.




Just purchased The Bombardment of Algiers jigsaw puzzle on seriouspuzzles.com... so, yea, I guess I kind of like this technology thing.

It's 9,000 pieces, should take up a bit of my time.




I can't honestly say I've watched the superbowl before but that was quite a fun way to spend Sunday. Of course the company was a big part of that I'm sure.

I can see a few people with sore heads this morning around the building so some celebrating or drowning of sorrows must have been happening.




Waiting for my plane to come home from the Bridal Expo. I need info. Someone tell me what's going on down there??

[Private Message to Kevin]
What was the explosion? That's all I've heard. Was it someone we know? I hate being stuck in Sacramento waiting for a plane when all I want is to be home!




I hate when you get Chinese food, and you try to mix your rice with your noodles but they've given WAY too many noodles for a satisfying noodle:rice ratio.

And no. I don't want to eat the noodles on their own.

I guess I'll have to.




FILTER: Cindy Cendrillon
That wasn't your home, was it? Are you all right?

FILTER: Clara Oswald
Thought you ought to know that I've been dreaming again, but the burning is inexplicably getting better.

And then dinner. Have we had any luck with Cousin Ears yet? Rose is rather keen on his presence, and well. Wouldn't be a proper family dinner without him.

FILTER: Helena Wells
I've a favour to ask, but I've got to preface it with a request for guidance.

FILTER: Rose Tyler
I've remembered something from my dreams, a rather immaterial detail, but one nonetheless.

That said, I've got one part of your winnings: [Attachment] The makings of your playlist.

In an effort to distract myself from worrying: Did you know that, in Chinese culture, it is considered bad luck to share a pear because it could lead to the separation of friendship or love? The moral is don't share pears. Ever. They're vile, nasty things that ought to remain wholly untouched. Think of your loved ones the next time you deign to enjoy such a rubbish fruit.