
October 31st, 2014




One of my teachers told us that they're giving everyone who shows up in costume to class five extra credit points. But it has to be an obvious costume. I'm debating between a mime - so I can use the excuse of I'm in character to not answer questions in the drama class they're making me take - or pulling out one of my suits and going as a businessman or something. I'm saving my real costume for later.




I don't remember getting this many Trick-or-Treaters in the past. Not at the apartment at least. I might actually run out of candy, which could be a good thing because I don't think I need the candy sitting around my apartment. And since several of my students have come by already - I don't think they need the extra sugar going home with them on Monday. Their parents would actually probably prefer I didn't send it home with them now that I think about it.




Halloween in the ER can serve for more nightmarish scenes then any horror movie can come up with. I'd rather be home with my wife taking my daughter trick or treating.




Come on down to Ciao Bella to celebrate Halloween drinks. Those in costume get half off appetizers.


You going to come see Officer Enzo later, Kitty Kat?




Being a Wizard comes in quite handy around Halloween. Simply used a few charms and spells to decorate the outside of the house and it looks quite good, if I do say so myself. I don't think we're going to be home for long tonight though. I think Sirius wants to go to a few pubs. Never the less, I'm quite proud of the decorations.




Going to Bran and Damian's tonight to watch horror movies, but I thought I'd dress up anyway, so I decided on Little Red Riding Hood, complete with wolf since I'm bringing Nymeria with me. And before anyone who knows me asks, no I'm not wearing one of those little costumes like most girls are. I opted for jeans. I wouldn't be caught dead in a skirt that short. Unless it's a field hockey skirt. Big difference.



[Filtered Away from Billy Kaplan and Teddy Altman]

This is going to be so fucking awkward. I can already tell. Billy's working for his dream boyfriend now and I guess he doesn't have many friends or something, so Billy invited him to hang out with us tonight. Billy and I were dressing as The Scarecrow and The Tin Man so now Teddy is joining as The Cowardly Lion. I haven't even met the guy and I'm already jealous. This isn't gonna be good.




Look at who's on drunk patrol tonight.

Public Service Announcement:

Don't drink and drive, kiddies...

And don't drink and puke all over other people's stuff, either.

Nobody likes a sloppy drunk.

and I don't like dealing with your asses


I committed the ultimate sin of forgetting to buy candy for tonight. I honestly did not expect trick-or-treaters at my apartment, but guess who had to run around the corner to the gas station at the last minute.

I think I made up for it in the end, since I was the only one giving out full sized candy bars.




How has everyone's Halloween been going?