
October 24th, 2014



October means half the office has bowls of candy on their desks, which is absolutely killing me. A man only has so much self control, and peanut butter cups are my one weakness.

Maybe a constant sugar buzz will be good for productivity.




WHO'S excited for H a l l o w e e n?

Give up? It's me. And I hope everyone else is, too! What are your plans, ladies and gents, boys and girls?

(Are there boys and girls on this thing? Or is there an ~age limit~. Who knows, with the internet, these days!)

Oh we're going to have lots of fun at my store, I guarantee it. I can't decide on a costume, though. We have tons! So many choices, maybe I'll just wear a different one starting Monday, and change it up until we get to The Big Day.

If you stop by the store Halloween night, I'll be handing out candy. Come say hi~




There are too many of those reality competition shows. Now they even have ones for kids. I already feel untalented enough watching the skills adults have. I don't need to see 10 year olds cooking amazing meals or designing clothes. At least I have eternity to figure out my skills.




Seems like this month is going by so fast!

[Private to Verity's Friends (if you think you are, then you are!)]
I've got the decorations ready to hang up for Christina's birthday party. Doing all of this while moving is a bit stressful! If anyone wants to show up a few minutes early for the party to help me decorate, I'd appreciate it!

2-4pm on Halloween. You're welcome to hang out a bit afterward, but I have a feeling Christina will be ready for a nap when it's all said and done!

Can't wait to see you here!




I dislike candy corn.




Some guy on campus handed me this flyer thing today, inviting me to go to this Halloween party at his house. He was... really forward. ANd he smelled really bad. And when I said I might bring my boyfriend to the party, he told me boyfriends weren't allowed. And guys had to pay to go? I don't know it was really awful, and he wouldn't go away and leave me alone.

See, Caroline? Buffy? We need to have lunch together every day to avoid the creeps!

[Private to Hans]
Do you have Halloween Plans? I was kinda hoping to stay in, watch scary movies and pass out candy? There are a dozen kids in my apartment complex who have all stopped me on my way in and out to ask me what kind of candy I'll be passing out.

Oh, and don't let me forget I need to buy some candy.




Holy shit.




I'm wondering. How long does it start for people to start dreaming? Or if there is a way to determine if you will dream or not.



[FIltered away from Non-Puncturables]

I would just like to point out that the Princess Spiderman and Princess Captain America costumes for little girls make me wish I had daughters to wear them.

I have yet to see a Princess Iron Man and this makes me sad.