
September 21st, 2014




I'm grateful the weather is cooling down. 100 degree weather does not make for a happy toddler or her pregnant mommy.




People more experienced with this than myself:

I've been told dating men is easier than dating women.

Contrary to popular belief, I have never dated a man.

Is dating a woman always like needing to care for a small child?

Is dating men any easier?




As some people know, Friday was National Talk Like a Pirate Day. As a result, Caspian spent the day talking like one and at one point attempted to put an eye patch on Aslan. The cat was having none of it. These are the sort of things I've come to expect from Caspian over the years.




I ran into my dad today. I haven't seen him in a couple of months and it was just as frosty as the last time. They blame me cause they had to get actual jobs again after I sued them to get access to my money last year. It makes me so mad that they see all of this as my fault.