
August 4th, 2014




Well that was an interesting outing.

Next time I think going to someplace as crowded as Disneyland please, shoot me in the knee caps so I can't go. It was nice hanging out with my dream-friends who are becoming real friends, but I sweat to death and played dodge the grabby handed children all freaking day.

Only bonus was Logan wore a freaking kilt to Disneyland. To be fair, Kitty encouraged me to give him one but I wasn't expecting him to wear it to Disney-freaking-land. Only bonus for the day.

Thanks for being tolerant of, well, me all day at Disney. Pretty sure I've had my fill of crowds for a year.


So my therapist said I should try to make friends and this was the place to do it. My name's Coraline (not Caroline) and I'm still kind of getting used to acting like a normal human being again. Bear with me, okay?





Don't hold out on me guys. If I've got to eat one more jello cup, I will puke. This and porn is why these kinds of message boards exist on the internet, right?




Okay, this is going to sound weird...which is probably how 93.8% of posts on this forum start, but bear with me here because I'm trying to acclimate.

Has anyone dreamed of, uh...Rumpelstiltskin? Or being in a place called the Enchanted Forest? Fuck my life

If not, you know, whatever. As you were. There are more pressing matters about Ebola to contend with.




No Filter - Cut for Image! )




My brother seems to think talking to a bunch of people on some network will be good for me. I personally think he's full of it. But he won't leave me alone about it and he can be really annoying when he wants to be. So. Hi. I'm Cora.





I think I had bad hot dogs last night.

But damn I think I hate Batarians.




Ned, from The Pie Hole, and I are planning on a couple of events that all of Valarnet should know about! We have fewer loyal supporters anywhere than on this network, so I'm making an announcement here first.

There are two "cook off" events planned between Ned and Myself. The first will be a Pumpkin Pie making contest, and the second will be for Christmas Cookies. The dates, times and locations of these events are yet to be scheduled. This is one of the reasons that I'm making this post.

We're still surveying venues. If anyone has any suggestions, we're all ears!

And Baxter Bakery employees reading this: Gear up! We've got to practice our pie-making skills!




I'm not sure if I should be amused or annoyed at Dream Athos flirting horribly with a comtesses. It's a little hard not to be amused. I don't think he has any actual idea how to talk to women.

I seem to be getting 'dreams' rapidly now compare to before. Just nearly every time I close my eyes. Some days they actually feel as though I'll wake up in Paris.

[filter to Aramis]
You may have something to this yoga thing.

[Filter to Porthos]
How are you?

[Another filter to Elizabeth Comstock]
Are you all right?



[Obviously blocked from any Marvel non puncturable, etc. etc.]

Public, cut for picture (no spoilers) )




Not to make Lina feel any more or less guilty, but... I couldn't get a jar of pickles open today. Though, I've got the go-ahead to go back to work from my doctor. I'm supposed to "take it easy"... apparently that includes not opening jars of pickles.




Tonight, a customer asked for a sheet of paper or a napkin to write down some chicks phone number. Then he ate it.

Literally like fifteen minutes ago. WTF dude.