
July 27th, 2014




I apparently adopted a cat. Well no, he showed up on Friday. I called around but no one lives up here, there's a 100 acres that's just me. Well, he got a vet trip, no microchip (he has one now, sucker) and an appointment for a neuter. Can't hurt having a barn cat up here. Maybe I'll get him a buddy. Found him in Queenie's stall this morning, sleeping on her back like it was no big deal. I get the weird animals, don't I? He needs a name, now.

Cut for Saving Flists, not Filtered )




I need this in my life and I'm not sorry. image behind cut )

One of my dream buddies is this guy named Gourry, who eats a gross amount more than I do although not by much. I don't know if it's possible to even "miss" someone you've never met. On one hand, it'd be nice to have someone that could eat as much as I do follow me to bond over food with, but on the other, there would be less food for me because he'd take it all. After all the fireballs I've handed his ass with, how is he even still alive?

Also, furniture assembly. I'm about to pull my hair out. I don't have time for letters and tedious screw driving bullshit.




Soo sleep would be awesome about now but since I can't

The home I showed up to today while working was a strange one. The owner no less strange. They had a dog, which is normal. But that dog was sitting on the big family room chair dressed in a tiny brown duster for no real reason at all. The owner didn't even acknowledge it as though it was normal for his pet to just sit around in a nice jacket..If it would not have been unprofessional I'd have taken a picture.. Ignoring that was hard. It was ridiculous.

[Private filter to Nick Fury]
I've made my decision.

[Filter to Athos]
Is there any migraine medicine somewhere?




Oookay, so uhm. Waterbending. That's a thing that's currently happening. And something tells me that Waterbending and modern plumbing were never meant to be together.

It's actually not a hunch, the bathroom is a mess.


Tenzin is going to kill me. And it's not like I can say 'Hey, you and your kids are AIRBENDERS' because ... he is totally not dreaming about being the other him.




It's always sad to say goodbye to a role, but we are officially done with Romeo and Juliet.

Thank you to anyone who came out to support us.