
June 26th, 2014




Dreaming about living a long time is great.

Watching your lover grow old and then get killed. Not so great.




After making crowns for myself and Courfeyrac, I decided they were far too pretty not to make a few more! Though instead of crowns and tiaras like I did for me, I decided to make them a little more simple, for those of you who don't want a full head of flowers.

I'm really very pleased with how they all turned out. And such fun to make! I wear my tiara to class all the time!

I ended up making four, so first come first serve. Who would like a flower headband :)?




I seem to have caught that particular dream that was going around. The one where I get accused of murder on my birthday.

I can't say I enjoyed it, much. It was interesting and all, seeing where my other self grew up, but the Court of Miracles isn't a place I'd go by choice, I'll say that much.

Still, thanks to my friends for getting me out of that particular scrape. It seems I need you there just as much as I do here.




Zombified people in need of their caffeine to become functioning members of society who just mumble an order? I can handle that.
Being told that I need more 'pep' and energy at 5:30 in the morning by someone who thinks they're 'better' than me because of a job? Those are the type of comments that are asking for trouble.

Waffles. I need waffles to deal with the amount of stupid that comes with opening.


Since we're at our first stop heading to Rome, Damon and I just wanted to thank everyone who came to the wedding! All the gifts and cards and company were appreciated! And I hope everyone had fun! :D We'll see you guys in two weeks. <3 Addio!

[ooc: Feel free to tag into the reception log and post gifts and such. I'll be adding some stuff in tonight!]




I never understood how it could be so difficult to pick our paint colors until now. There's so much to decorate and I don't even know where to start. Figured painting my room was a good start, but I have no idea what color. I got a bunch of samples from the hardware store today and it's making it even more difficult.




Why is it that dentists want to ask you questions when they've got their hands in your mouth? I can't answer you if I can't speak and they know that. I mean, come on. It's obvious that they do it on purpose to see how much of a fool we'll act like to try and answer them.