
June 8th, 2014




Dream me is kind of badass.

Locked from law enforcement personnel

Anybody got one of those handy cards, or do I have to get to Colorado somehow? I think my old connection sold me some bad stuff. I dreamt real vivid last night, about living in the 60s and stuff. Wasn't bad, but it was so real I woke up not knowing where I was. Baaaad trip.




Summer session's started at the Frost Academy, and we'll be offering our usual programs this year. Last year we did quite well with the community's children, tutoring them and preparing them for the coming school year. I've added piano and violin lessons thanks to our talented musical staff, and we'll be doing a summer gymnastics session as well.

These classes and sessions are far less expensive than a regular term, but will keep a bored child busy and their minds engaged during the next few months. You're all quite welcome to check our website and enroll, darlings.

In more personal news that I can't believe I'm discussing with the world at large - Do we get the abilities we dream about, then? I do read a great deal on here about ridiculously impossible things like magic and vampirism and super hero powers. Barring mass hysteria, you can't all be insane.




Pretty sure I shouldn't fucking exist.


In other news, Barbara Gordon is amazing. And quite possibly the closest to perfection that humanity has has ever come.

Too bad she's only in my dreams. :( Cry forever.




With it being bridal season, I'm busier than ever at work. Should anyone need a part-time or full-time job in retail, please don't hesitate to let me know. I live above my shop, but most days you'd never know it as I seem to be sleeping in my office too often.




I know you totes missed me. Its okay. I'm back. Celebrate and shiz.

So I got up to some stuff. Had some fun in Paris. Partied. Blew up something in the catacombs. Clubbed a lot. Found a baby.

cut for picture )

So what I miss?




Oh god. I can’t believe that I’m doing this. I shouldn’t have let them talk me into this. You can’t really meet anyone online.

No, no. I said that I would try and be more social. It’s not like it’s online dating or anything. I’m not going to knock it down before I try it and they said that it was really popular. I’ll just try it out. What’s the worse that can happen, other than meeting up with a murderer, Hannibal guy.

Okay, I'm doing it again. I'm just going to go for it.


Hi, I’m Proteus.




I just got Nessie up from her nap and she clung to me sing songing the words "love papa love love" over and over again. Today is definitely a good day. And now, we are going to go snuggle up with mommy and re-watch Frozen for the 15th time.

Bella, what do you think of taking her on her first trip to Disneyland tomorrow?


Is this some kind of Orange County network thing? I just got an invite and figured I'd take it out, but I never heard the name when I was living up in the city. Anyway, I'm Beatrix. I'm a translator - I speak Mandarin, Japanese and a little Cantonese - and I still work up in LA, but I just moved to Orange. There's not much to me, really. I have a couple of lizards, and I'm kind of a running junkie. I guess I'll see some of you around town.




I swear that every man who tries to throw Zellie up in the air after holding her - which they shouldn't be doing anyway, go find your own baby! - is asking to be smacked.

MEN, STOP THROWING BABIES. Why is it only dudes do that?


Um. Hi! I'm Oliver Queen. I'm a lawyer down in Stanton. I work with the homeless and people who need help with Social Security, disability. That kind of stuff. I got an invite here, and figured I'd check it out. I can't actively troll for clients, but I'm here if anyone needs someone like me.




So, I have my third dog. He, like the other two, is a rescue.

Meet Jameson. )

I think I'm going to set my dog cap at three.


I kind of hate American Idol. It teaches people that if they want to spread their music, they have to wait in line and do what labels tell them to do. Which is so wrong, and mean. Music's for everyone.

Which is why this video made me laugh so hard. I just ruined my mascara!




Advertising to people on the internet. I must be desperate.

Sooooo....a friend told me this was a good place to try and find a roommate! I swear if all I attract are creepers Hi! I'm Buffy. ♥ I go to school in Irvine and I'm looking for a roommate! It's an apartment with two bedrooms, so you get your own! Uhm, no pets please.

Also this advertisement is mostly for girls, but if you're super attractive gorgeous beautiful clean guy, I'll take you into consideration. [[address]] is the address, so if you wanna drive by and meet me, take a look!

But if you're a creeper I have a wooden bat and a pair of stilettos that make great shanks.

Thanks a bunch! ♥


Everyone come tell my little brother how cute and handsome he is. I do it all the time, but I think he's starting to not believe me as much. People of the O.C., I need back up on this!!

If he gets it from a lot of people, he can't doubt me anymore. )

I really know some of the greatest people, both in-dream and out. Hey, Roy, should I figure something out for you next? I bet if Lian helps me, we could come up with a really great post!




( Filtered away from Roy and anyone who is friends with Roy )

What do you do if you're pretty sure you're about to get dumped? Do you do it first?

Fuck I'm so tired of this. I didn't even fucking do anything this time. I mean I don't think so. I am so not meant for this shit apparently.