
June 5th, 2014




Pride in LA is this weekend. Looking forward to spending the weekend in Los Angeles with Billy. Who else is meeting up with us there?




14 hour days in the garage are making me a little crazy. Anyone want to bring a girl something to eat? I just don't have time to leave. I'm on here instead of doing paperwork, but if I leave the building I probably will just go hide in a corner until all this work is caught up.




Caspian got back recently and I have to say Peter is so much happier now. It's pretty good to see my brother with a big smile on his face again. Being sad doesn't suit him. Or Caspian for that matter.

I swear if anybody tries to come between them again I am going on a rampage. Love and happiness like they have is something to be treasured and aspired to not torn down because it doesn't fit with your small minded view of the world. Anyway, it's all good now and he's home. Everything feels like it should again.


I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling needy today. I miss Damon Ugh, vampire emotions

kitty kitty )




So with the summer arriving, freak ice storm not included, I want to roll out some summer themed pies at The Pie Hole. Now I'm not talking about apple pie or blueberry pie, because those are the obvious. Anyone have any suggestions?




Trigger warning: talk of death. )