
May 21st, 2014




How is it almost June? Time flies by so fast.

Things are so much better now that I'm not having dreams anymore. It does so much for my sanity.

In any case, next month my first clothing line will be coming out at select department stores [link to them]

I'm really excited and a bit nervous. I don't want it to bomb.




In other news, one of my regular customers just unloaded a box of - get this - rubber ducks on me today. He wants me to hand them out along my delivery route to advertise for his homeopathic shop. Which... Doesn't work. I don't have a delivery route; I just go wherever I need to.

So, anyone want a rubber duck from The Quackery?




I know that there's at least two people who are gonna get a kick out of this. So, I drive Lian to school like usual and when we get there, I go to give her lunch money and discover that my wallet was not in my pants. Turns out I'd left it on the kitchen table. So, luckily I had some extra cash in the car, but then I had to decide whether I was gonna go to work without or go home and get it. Of course with my luck, that would be the time I'd get pulled over for something stupid and how would it look if a cop didn't have his driver's license? So, I went he and got it. This would only happen to me.

Oh yeah, and I'm gonna need a full time sitter for Lian for the summer for when I'm working. Any takers?



Musketeers filter

Apparently on Friday night there's supposed to be a huge meteor shower. Maybe we could watch it together? It's supposed to be the best one of the year. I'm sort of interested in that stuff.





I must admit that when I first signed on to this network, I thought I'd mistakenly joined some sort of new age dream interpretation site. You all do so enjoy rambling on about your dreams, don't you?

After a long conversation with a woman who still claims to be able to literally speak to animals, I now find myself curious as to what, exactly, is happening here. Have I suffered a psychotic break, or is this place actually experiencing some sort of unexplained phenomenon?

Perhaps that explains the extremely strange dream I had last night, because I know it wasn't the alcohol.




There's something refreshing about spending the night under the stars instead of under the roof of a house. A few days away was exactly what I needed to recharge the old batteries, as it were. I've been thinking of getting back into working out daily, since I retired it'd been a little scattered, and I think I need a workout partner, I'm used to a group of annoying men trying to out do one another and me, so going at it alone would be too weird, I think.




Hey, everyone.

I'm back?




Sex Sent Me To the ER - a great show or the greatest show?




Graduation in two weeks. Freeeeeedom!