
May 3rd, 2014




I always feel bad, even when they deserve it.




I'm never having chimichangas before bed again.




Sam and I took a little side-trip to Malaysia last week. Just two days. I was following a lead. It was uneventful but I did find more evidence to back up a theory of mine. I shant share, just yet.




Hi, Valarnet! For you new people, I thought I should introduce myself. I'm Penelope Garcia (you can call me either name, I'll respond to either!) and I'm your resident tech goddess.

Also, I blatantly ship all of you. Whether you want me to or not. Sorry, not sorry.

SO. I'mma play lonely hearts here and help all you singles find people who're ready to mingle! Single folks, reply down here, and we'll get you mashed the hell up. It'll be scandalous fun!

Seriously, scandalous fun. )

Or send me cat gifs.

I'm bored waiting for my boyfriend to get off of work. :(


Did anyone else have an oddly crazy month? None of my classes are quite into finals season yet, but man, are they gearing up for it fast. I wonder how bad the actual finals are going to be in comparison!




Made a delivery to an office building across from a plaza with a comic book store in it today. Cosplayers had taken the whole parking lot over for free comic book day.

I got a completely unsolicited hug from a Ms. Marvel, and an Iron Man complimented my bike. It was an experience.




I had a very lovely birthday. Thank you to everyone who came to the party.

Public but triggery warnings for suicide talk. )

I don't know that I'm a banshee. I think maybe I just see and hear dead people. Kind of like the Sixth Sense. But less lame.