
April 22nd, 2014




My dreams are so cliche. I get the slave crown taken off and now I have no memories and don't know who I am. There was this guy who insisted that he wasn't a thief, but wanted to be called a treasure hunter. How ridiculous. The worst part though is the fact that I had this kind of flashback to a clown who was my.. master. A clown. A guy who laughed a lot and looked like a clown. I wish I could make that up.

Also I have green hair. Huh.




It is going to be a very long week.

I'd had a very nice couple of days off. Then it all went to crap.

At least baseball is on. Anyone else watch baseball? Or am I the only weird one?


I'm apparently not supposed to use my 'free time' to organize my things. I'm not sure what else to do with a day off. What should be done with it then?




Who's game for some physical workouts? Ah need to punch a few things in the face until ah feel like crap tonight. thanks Lara for making me wait two weeks before you told me ... Ah need this.




Curious. Does anyone on the network own a restaurant? My father is coming to town and I would like to take him somewhere nice. He's not picky in terms of what sort of food.




At long last, Spring has arrived and, for once, I could not be more pleased-- not pleased enough to switch to pastel colors-- but enough to have retrieved and waxed my board in anticipation for riding the morning surf again.

I am also proud to announce permits for this season's hunting trips have been at last obtained. Now we will see, Thor, if you can best the bear of which you have boasted. Sigrun, you did not specify what game you wished to hunt or if you wished to join my brother and I on our bear hunt. Of course, Dani Moonstar, I extend an invitation to join us on this little endeavor. I would hazard you may welcome a change of pace before long.