
April 4th, 2014




Cut for TW for death and loss, but viewable publicly. )




I haven't had this much fun in ages. Though, it's a shame the suit doesn't fit properly with me at this size.




It's been a rather pleasant few days off of work, but I'm ready to get back to my real life now.




Can this be over now? I'd kinda like to get back to work, and my boyfriend and my life, please. I'm tired of being a child. And I'd forgotten how hard it is to clean food out of my braces. Celery? Forget about it.




I made a huge marshmallow tower, but it fell down. Now I don't know whether to eat the marshmallows or not. They've been on the floor.




Hello. My name is Alma and I am new to the area. I am looking for a job, my expertise is in genetics and biology and I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.




I am over being ten again! OVER IT!



Locked to active and former military personnel

Discussion of recent violent plot, PTSD related things )