
March 31st, 2014




I'm starting to feel a bit more like a functional human I think. The world isn't spinning anymore in any case.






So, erm. I was going to post about this but then all hell broke loose. Atton and I are having a boy.




cut for recent events, open to all )




I've had more than one person I work with, at the shelter, tell me that I work too much and should take some time off for me. That I should hire someone to help me out, like an assistant, but I worry that when I'm not here that something will go wrong. I know they're probably right, but I'm so picky about my other employees, I can't even imagine how picky I'd be about an assistant.




I apparently missed a lot since being in the hospital. Cut for discussion of recent plot )




Today in 1889, the Eiffel Tower opened in Paris, France at the Paris World's Fair. Built in commemoration of the French Revolution, the chocolate brown 984-foot wrought iron lattice tower was the world's tallest building at the time.

After it opened, it made enough money in ticket sales to almost completely cover the cost of building it in a single year.




Thinking about having these dreams seems to bring them on. I was actually hoping that I wouldn't have more than the one. Clearly no one is that lucky.




I'm thinking about getting a job.