
March 24th, 2014




It's so weird to be living in a house again. I just spent the last three years living in a loft, so I'm not sure exactly what we're going to do with all these rooms. I don't even think we have enough stuff to fill them all. So, um, if it wasn't obvious, I just moved to the area, from New Orleans, and we just got wifi installed, so I thought I'd look for things to do around here and I found this place. I'm Davina, I'm sixteen and I'll be finishing out the school year at Laguna Beach High and I start tomorrow. I guess that's all. I'm not really that interesting.




Woooo Vacation... not really but WARMTH that is NOT California based! Off to Costa Rica! Here's hoping the new clothes are breathable.




It's different, having a child around. I rather like it.




It would appear that my cousin has decided to move to Paris for a little while. I do wish we had gotten more time to spend together, but hopefully she will find what she's looking for and comes back soon. On a lighter note, I'm officially on spring break. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do this week when I'm not working though.




My friend moved away, I didn't even get to see her off.




The Hubble Telescope is celebrating its 24th Anniversary by gifting us with a gorgeous photograph.

This 'nearby' star factory is part of the Monkey Head Nebula ... it is 6,400 Light Years away from us. Breathtaking. Some of the stars in that photograph have only just been born.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the very stuff in this photograph is the building blocks upon which we were formed. We were born from stars such as this, and to these stars we will return someday.


So in last night's dream, B and I ended up on this island with a dinosaur-themed theme park that was actually mega impressive - it was seriously Jurassic Park. The robotic dinosaurs seemed seriously real. Problem was, this gang took it over while we were there! They turned the whole park against us.

We got head butted by a triceratops into a lake, where a brontosaurus threw me a good fifty feet (thank god for convenient tree branches) and tried to kill Batman. Then we were attacked by robot-cavemen, and we'd just about beaten them when the remaining 'bots suddenly backed off. Weird, right? More like downright mean. It was getting dark by then, so Chase - the guy in charge - had trapped us on the island overnight so he could keep "hunting" us for fun in the morning. No one beats Batman and Robin, though!

Batman and I scrounged up some useable weapons, roped us a pterodactyl, and got to work: by the time Chase showed up to take up the chase again, we were ready for 'em. Batman went out and played bait, signaling me when Chase and his gang were in position. I swooped down on the glider we'd turned the pterodactyl into and pummeled 'em from above! Batman came in from below while they were distracted, and BAM! Bad guys go straight to jail - do not pass go, do not collect $500!

The park, unfortunately, couldn't reopen. But I totally talked B into taking the T-Rex. It took some finagling, but we got it into the Cave while it was dark and rainy and stuck it into the big empty area.

So now we have a robot T-Rex. It is awesome.




This might be sort of a long shot, but, has any of Bucky's friends heard from him? I've been trying to get a hold of him about something, and, well, I know he's been in sort of a funk lately but it's not like him to just ignore things.

I'm probably worrying for nothing, but. If anyone can just let me know he's all right, that would be really great.

((Mild discussion in comments about the bombing.))



Expedition Log: Day 1

Lara's making us write these, and like... I am so bored, so whatever. Might as well write a thing!

But there's nothing much to really say, other than I am still on an airplane and losing my mind. This isn't the longest flight I've ever been on, but the last really long one involved a seven hour layover in New York. That one was fine because Sam Nishimura knows how to entertain herself around a bunch of hot traveling guys. Yup.

But we don't have a layover here so I'm just like... playing bejeweled.

And catching up on the news holy fuck what is going on over there!?

(possible triggers in the comments over the current plot)




[Cut for talk of bombing, terrorist plot, (trigger warning) but publically posted] )



Filter to Anna, Peeta, Dani, Athos, Aramis and Porthos

trigger warnings: Bomb talk )




[Cut for possible talk of triggery bomb stuff in comments, public post.] )