
March 14th, 2014




Well that's...just great. Now there are aliens in my dreams?

My dreams are getting weirder, I guess I should have expected that.



[ locked from Serah ]

I can't sleep at night and when I do, I dream about strange places and my mother or people dying all around me--

Physical therapy. I thought I'd hate it but it's exactly what I needed. We work until I bleed and then we take a break, it's nice to have a therapist who pushes me that hard and isn't a pussy about it. At this rate I could have been back in the field by the summer, at least. All my friends are in the sandbox without me. They better not be getting themselves into trouble.

My sister's birthday is coming up. I think it's the first we've celebrated while I've actually been home. I don't know what to do about it. She seems a little old for slumber parties. Which is good, because I don't think I could handle a gaggle of girls in my house. Still... I should do something. We're a family again. I guess I'm open to ideas.




I am a very good actress in my dreams...



blocked from Aurora

I accidentally said words. The words. The emotional words. I think I messed things up.




I think I ate too much pie in one sitting.




New clothes. New friends. It's a good week. Right? Oh and randomly getting into trouble with a friend, also a bonus.




Mmmm. I think I'm feeling up to going out to dinner tonight. It's rare, especially when I'm putting my nose to the grindstone for training. Food good. Exhaustion bad.




I'm kind of excited. I discovered a new moth last time I was in Venezuela and I get to name it. World, there's a new moth named Acherontia lydia. (Its wings are red.)

It's probably not very romantic to name an insect after your girlfriend, but that's how I am.




Working in a book store, this kind of thing is funny but really, really irritating.

cut for image, blocked from non-puncturable song of ice and fire characters )




Eee! I think I found the venue! For the wedding! Gosh, I'm excited! I just need a dress, and how... how do I go about planning flowers and food and everything when the venue is like, an ocean and a continent away? I bet they have people that do that sort of thing, right??

Now I just need a dress! Where should I go? I mean, I bet there's someone out there who'll make me the perfect dress, right??