
March 10th, 2014




Man, all of the Hardy Boys / Goosebumps / Babysitters Club books would be way better if they had literal titles.

This one's my favorite. Cut for image, viewable to all. )




Woke up this morning and went to the kitchen for some coffee...

Most of the silverware and cooking utensils were either on the floor or on the counters, drawers all askew, and at least three of our cooking knives were embedded in the wall across from the knife block.

Guess the Telekinesis is getting stronger. yaaaaay.

At least my subconscious knows better than to fuck with the coffee maker and mugs.




Feel better than I have in awhile. Still not 100% but at least I'm trying.




These fucking dreams

I've managed to land a job managing one of the local ballets. This will prove to be great fun.




I'm curious. What is the longest anyone has gone here before they started dreaming? I've been here for quite a few months now and still haven't had anything aside from my normal dreams. My cousin had been dreaming since before I moved here and I see people constantly talking about their dreams and the things they get from them. I think, the longer I go without any makes me more and more curious about what mine will hold.




I haven't said much lately, which is weird for me. I've been working a lot, which is good. Piers had an emergency and went home for a bit. I have the keys, and a dog to take care of. I'm pretty much staying at his place full time, which means a refrigerator full of rotten food when I get back. Yummy.

I'm wiped and it's only Tuesday!