
January 17th, 2014




This is a cute idea, a stay-at-home-dad who leaves Post-Its for his wife, detailing his day. I think when I end up Mr. Dad and staying at home with the kid I made with Isabela (NEVER going to get tired of saying that), I'm going to do this too.




Do the dreams ever stop? I had one again last night. This one was much, much, much better than the last! We opened up the castle for my sister's coronation, and had this HUGE party!

OMG I love chocolate. It was so much fun! I like those kinds of dreams. Not the other ones. Let's hope all the rest of my dreams are happy.




I seem to recall there were construction workers and/or bosses on this board. Would anyone be able to come to my house - soon - and reinforce the doors? Or, conversely, does anyone know a locksmith?

Lilo: Sleepwalking again. Wound up on the screened-in porch, which has the flimsiest door on record. As you can see, though, I'm taking precautions.


Any of you lovely friends of Carol and I want to come with us to be our witness when we get married?

We'd appreciate it.




Knowing I was going to end up hurt in my dreams didn't really make me ready for it. I guess dream me and I have something in common, we both think we're tougher than they are.

Cut for triggers; drug use, still viewable to all. )




So, tomorrow I'm going to the AVN awards with Zevran. I still don't know exactly what to think about that, but he asked me and after blushing furiously and stuttering, which I'm sure made me look like an idiot I said yes. This is definitely something that my father would not approve of and I hope to god he doesn't find out, but I'm not going to say no just because he might.