
December 7th, 2013




There's nothing like listening to old Christmas songs, drinking enough eggnog to knock out a horse, and trying to get a string of Christmas lights untangled and in working order.

Our efforts were fruitful in the end, and we now have a Christmas tree worthy of the effort we put into it, and the horrible hangovers we'll garner as a result. Not to mention the potential exposure to salmonella.

Ah, the holidays. There's no time of year quite like them. I feel that we'll miss the snow as the month gets older. Not that we'll miss shoveling it, or driving in it, or listening to people complain about it. Those are things whose absence we'll cherish.




The song sequel you never knew you needed. Mwhahaha. Happy Saturday



I don't understand the need to have Christmas music in every store and every commercial. It's everywhere. And it's the same ten songs, just done by a bunch of different groups.

How do you all cope?




I like how dream me applies herself. I think I got sick when I woke up, but I understand it. I understand why it's necessary to see those things.

I need to be her.




Curious, what is everyone's least favorite Christmas song? Everyone has at least one. Mine is Last Christmas.