
September 21st, 2013




There's nothing quite like dreaming that a friend of yours has been manipulated, died and instead of crossing over, tries to force you to go through your door.

Whatever is actually on the other side (and not being a ghost like me) is completely terrifying. I don't ever want to die. That was awful. He was trying to drag me through the door. These dreams just keep getting worse.

I need a drink.




Yeah. I'm a tiny, blonde fairy wearing green leaves as a dress, and I make things. Tinker. I'm a Tinker Fairy. Tinkerbell. Which is a lot like this world. So my dreams are like this world, only with magic and craziness. I can fly with Pixie Dust, and my wings.

That's right. I'm a fairy.


I think we need to try this party thing again! October 12th, five pm to dark we'll have food and drinks (but no fancy cake, that went to a good cause for two lovely ladies), on the beach by the boardwalk in Huntington Beach. Let me know if you can make it!




I have had the worst headache this weekend




Does anyone have any recommendations for a vet that is good with rabbits? Most of the vets I've been to seem to have little knowledge about them at all.

How are you feeling? How have the dreams been?




I'd like to take a moment to invite everyone to a Red Widow viewing party at my parents house in Laguna Beach! The season premieres Monday night at 8pm on ABC and you're all invited! The party starts at 6pm and will last until midnight. There will be food and cocktails and a room for karaoke. There will be several screens showing Red Widow during it's premiere, so come on out if you'd like! RSVP for the address!




I can't believe Halloween is coming up already. With my recent dreams it seems kind of silly since we're one of those monsters you were taught to fear around this time, but it also adds to the mystery of the holiday. I've gotta figure out a costume for myself and Natalia. Maybe I'll try to do something with Stefan as well and we can do a big group costume.

I know my family will each have an opinion, but ideas for Natalia's costume will be received here. Anyone on the network can feel free to comment!!! Can be individual or a group costume. I'm trying not to do the typical pumpkin costume. It'll be interesting since she can walk by herself now.




I thought I was done with these damn dreams. I keep getting the same ones over and over again. It must be my mood, but goddamn I can't even get a break when I'm asleep. If I have to watch Providence blow up one more time I'm going to lose my shit




Is it strange that I haven't had any of those dreams yet? I've had to weird things happen to me and I do have to say that I'm extremely happy that it's over with. I learned a lot more than I ever wanted to about my fellow classmates and if I'm ever feeling in a vindictive mood I can use it as blackmail, but that's very unlikely and I found out Percy has a crush on me!.

So, I think the girl that I was working with at the gym is gone, which really sucks. But that means I'm looking for a new trainer - anyone around that I can talk to? I really enjoy having a trainer around because then they hold me accountable.

Otherwise I think I'm going to go out tomorrow and getting some sketching done. My art class is already trying to get me to work on a portfolio. College is definitely moving along quickly.


Five miles of beer is a lot of beer. Miles? Liquid miles? That doesn't exist in terms of measurement. Shame on me.

Will wobble home. Someday.