
August 31st, 2013




These family reunions are always so much fun. All the bickering, and late night arguing, and the throwing of things, mostly at Carver's head.

Blast, it was only pillows, don't look at me in that tone of voice, you lot. If i'd really wanted to hurt him I'd have made all the comments I wanted to make about his new hat. Alright, yes, I made them anyway. Sigh, you know me so well.

Maia, I'm jetlagged to the seven hells and my cat is looking at me as if you never fed him while I was gone. Did you actually forget him, or is he just being particularly cat-like today?




Wanted: someone to rub Neosporin on my back. Itchy. :(




I can't believe my baby starts third grade on Wednesday. I know that doesn't really make her a baby anymore and it's not like this is her first day of school ever, but every year I get like this. Maybe it's cause I'm so young that it's still hard to believe that my daughter is eight. Like, when the hell did that happen? I still remember when she was born and I was a stupid eighteen year old. I had no clue what I was going to do after Jade virtually disappeared, but I managed it and now here she is, starting third grade. I'm just worried about it being a new school. She had to leave all her friends behind when we moved and I guess I feel guilty about that a little. Okay, I'm gonna stop rambling and take her out to buy some new clothes for school and play the role of embarrassing father.




Hi. I see it's standard practice to introduce yourself when you get invited to this network thing. I'm James Barnes, but everybody calls me Bucky. I'm more used to it than my real name.

I'm an accompanist for the South Coast Youth Symphony Orchestra - I went to school to play piano. Sometimes you'll see me out in North LA busking, if you're ever up there - I like to do it for extra cash. I love my job and classical music, and I also like to train for marathons. It's actually pretty liberating when you can run 26 miles all on your own.

Anyway. Hi. I guess I'll be around.




So uh I met this really awesome chick lady woman person at Target, Merrill, and she said that she posts to this really cool community. Figured since I'm new here and all, it might be a good place to say 'hey'.

So uh, 'hey'. I'm Hugo, but everybody calls me Hurley. I just kinda moved here with my mom so yeah. Um, I like scifi stuff (Star Wars hell yeah) and comic books and all sorts of geeky stuff. I kinda won that reality show thing

So yeah. Anybody know a good fried chicken place around here? I mean, besides KFC. I mean some place good.