
August 15th, 2013




I should not be so amused. This shouldn't be so amusing. But I've found myself giggling for the last five minutes.

Open Chrome (browser), go to youtube.com and start any video playing. Pause the video. Type in 1980 and hit enter. See what happens. #forgreatjustice.




More dreams last night. When they start, they don't stop, do they?

There was a man who could make ... fire. Like, spurts of green fire. In my house. Burned my couch.




It's strange how much the dreams can influence us. I mean I'm a fiction writer, I love writing mysteries and it's what I think I will always do but thanks to the dreams I understand a lot more about journalistic writing too. And I even think I might be good at it if I tired.

I suppose it's like gaining a new skill. Has anybody had that happen?




I'm glad I got my body back in time for Dragon*Con. Some men may look quite convincing in drag, but I would have spent more time explaining my appearance than promoting the new games.




I'm so going to the convention in costume. If I can decide who I want to go as.


I will be out of town for a bit, I have Dragon*Con tickets! And I finally finished my cosplay. I'm excited - it took a lot of work! But yeah. Unless there's an emergency, I'll be back in a couple of days.

Here it is, if you want to see. Worksafe )




So...that happened.

I'm sure Lorna is happy to have her hubby-san back. Am I right?




This is what I've been talking about for years! My parents are the ones who chose to be actors and to be in public, but me and my siblings and other celebrity children didn't. We didn't ask to have cars parked outside our school or to be followed to the store or blinded by flashes when we're trying to spend time out with our parents.

And this part is so true:

The actress claimed prices for photos of celebrity children were becoming "absurdly high," and said it's like her children "have a bounty on their heads."

I really hope this bill gets passed. I don't know if there are any other celebrity kids on here besides my brother, but I know there are some actors and singers and I'm sure you'd all agree that everyone would be safer if this bill is passed.




If you die in your dreams, do you think you'll die here?