
June 23rd, 2013




They've finally started construction on the new shop and it looks like it will be both bigger and better than the previous one, better designed that is. The architect I talked to had some good ideas, and so with them, the insurance, and construction all on board, it started up Friday. Hopefully it will take only about a month to complete.

Until then, I'm working out of the house, and doing a lot of work there. Got a few commissions from someone out of state, and had to explain proper shipping techniques to them. It's kind of fun, sometimes, working from here.

Several beavers showed up just a few days ago, volunteering to help out if I gave them some wood for their homes, which has been a very odd experience. They are delightfully easy to communicate with, even without the talking. They understand wood like I do, and that's rare in people I have worked with.

Soon after some birds showed up, asking if they could use some of the wood-shavings and scraps in their nests in return for carrying small things. Even with providing some food and water for them and the beavers, I still almost feel like I'm taking advantage of them. But they like to work!

I hope they stay after this weird effect ends.




I spent the better part of a weekend unable to move, and had to spend some time recovering from that. I suppose there's a downside to everything. You do a lot of thinking when that's all you can do. It wasn't really sleep - my mind was still active.

Come to think of it, I don't really sleep anymore. Not in the traditional sense. There are times my mind is less active, and when I'm going through maintainance but it's not traditional sleep. I should implement a sleeping pattern for my own sanity

I still dream, though. It's the strangest sensation. Almost like dreaming while awake.




It's strange - out of all of the horrendous and life shattering things that have happened to us here in Orange County this is the one thing that is causing more people to question their beliefs. Our membership at the church is up this month and the viewership has been at an all time high.




The past couple of days have been really inspiring as far as my art goes. We had that really gorgeous meteor shower the past couple of nights and then last night was the supermoon, the biggest the moon looks in the night sky all year. I got a lot of painting done. It was amazing. I'd never painted at night before, but it turned out okay I guess.


Are you still thinking about doing that art show?




I keep having the same dream over and over again, but it's not like what you guys are talking about. It's not those really vivid dreams that feel like they actually happened to you. It just takes a ton of different forms, but the most common is this: I'm in some kind of horrible situation where I need help and I keep trying to call the police, but either they won't pick up the phone, just laugh at me or I can't get my phone to dial. In every situation I need someone to help me, but for whatever reason the help never comes. It keeps happening over and over again. It's really disturbing. I think my subconscious might be trying to tell me something, but I don't know what.




I leave for eight months and when I come back it's just in time to get bitched out in real english by my cats. Why the hell does Doom sound like Samuel L Jackson?

The more things change, the more Orange County stays the same, I guess.




So I eloped and am now "married" by Vegas wedding people. Oh well. Still counts IMO.





I am a lobster :c




I hate social networking sites for this reason entirely. I have a facebook, haven't logged on for weeks. I just lose interest after a day.

Twitter has like one tweet. What's the point of things like this anyway? Like aren't net type things pointless?


This is a strange set of circumstances even for this area.

Mademoiselle Fantine, would you like to be my guest for a dinner my kitchen set is apparently holding tonight?




I don't know what's worse. Running late on a job or being chewed out by the Iguana when I get there.

Iguanas are rude bastards.




So then, today, Barton's dog told me that I "lack followthrough" when I shoot. If I'd wanted your opinion, Laika, I'd have asked you. Admittedly, I've learned a LOT of useful information about Barton that I now don't have to pump out of certain other people in his life. Admittedly, this was still in the vein of "my human's the best ever" but it was still kind of funny.

Any secrets? I can definitely ask her.

Oh and Margaux the Not Quite Dali Llama is speaking perfect Latin and Locksley told me that he thinks I need to get a better sex life so I'm "not so high strung all the damned time".

So there's that, I guess?



Voice Post: Laika talking!

not work safe lol )




Anyone other than me realize just how boring graduations actually are? It is just a bunch of people telling us over and over again today is the first day of the rest of our lives... What does that make tomorrow? The ending? They don't even give you a piece of paper saying you did it... I have to pick it up in a few weeks.

Now I can focus on my new movie auditions! It is time to move from the little screen to the big screen.




How many people out there really play this Candy Crush game? I mean it seems like every place I look there is someone playing it... Though I have to admit I have been playing myself. It started out as a challenge between the dance girls to see who could get the farthest and I still find myself playing more than I care to admit. Not so much now that I have beat all the levels available in the app.

Yeah, I need to find something else to do with my time. I do have a few new photo shoots coming up thankfully.




Last night I had a dream, after weeks of nothing. I can't even remember the last time I had one actually. Not only did I have a dream, but I got another item from it. This time is was a cell phone. A cell phone that The Doctor adjusted so that I could call my mom or pretty much anyone from anyplace in space and time.

As for the dream, we replied to a distress call from another ship and found out that the engines were dead and they were on a crash course with a star and had 42 minutes. The Doctor sent me and one of the ship's crew to open a series of doors to access the engines. Suffice to say, I almost died, but I was able to contact The Doctor before it was too late. Then the tables were turned and I had to save The Doctor.

In real world news, The Bruins need to shape up for Monday. They can't let Chicago win in Boston.




My tea sets.

They are singing.