
June 16th, 2013




I've finally got things squared away enough where I can take a little vacation for myself, but now I have no idea where to go. It's sad when all I wanna do is stay home and make jam, right?




I have officially had it with my dreams.

I wore my crazy dream-aunt's skin to fool a demon and make out with him long enough to kill him. Seriously. Head to toe wearing someone's entire body skin and it was gross and goopy and did I mention giving a demon tongue?




I never knew my father, not to the degree I would have liked. I have a few photos of him that my mother left me, so that I can remember what he looks like. My own earliest memories of him are dim, but I cling to them as best I can. A smell, I think it was his cologne. The warmth of his arms around me before he left for the last time. Sometimes, in a dream, I even remember his voice. Just softly, like a whisper.

He was a doctor, the kind that travels to other countries to provide aid. One day he went out there and never returned. But... I've never been angry at him for putting himself in danger like that. To me, he was a hero. All I've ever wanted was to be like him.

I feel like I'm closer to that now than I have ever been in my life. Since he is gone... this is the best father's day gift I can give him. I hope it is enough.




Nessie gave me the best Fathers Day present I could ask for. She slept all the way through the night. First time I've gotten eight hours of sleep in a long while.




So, I'm just gonna say it. Ned Stark is the best father ever. I mean, he'd have to be to put up with six of us for this long. I'm surprised he doesn't have any greys yet. He must be A super hero or something.

It's a shame he's not actually on here cause it'd be more fun if he actually saw this.




Cut for slight TW and hate against Father's Day )




Swimming with dolphins today. Anybody want to join me?


I'm getting really tired of going to cheap-ass hotels to do my work, but at the same time, I can't just waltz into a bank and ask for a loan to build a sex dungeon. And I'm not exactly willing to ask my regulars for a loan or something. I don't like being beholden.

I don't know. Anybody got a lottery ticket?




Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there and especially to my baby daddy! I know Stefan just adores being called that. We've had an extremely busy day already and we're on our way home to let Natalia nap for a good amount of the afternoon. We went to brunch at Hotel Huntington Beach, which was amazing, then whale watching, and weiner dog races! The last one was totally Stefan's idea, but it was a lot of fun and Natalia loved petting the puppies. Now, it's time to relax from all the sun.


Blergh blergh blergh. Holiday, etc etc.
Yes, we called our Dad. Wished him a happy thing with the stuff. Card's in the mail. (No, seriously, it is though. What the heck do we look like, ingrates?)

But now we've got to go have dinner with our parents tonight. There is fist shaking. FIST SHAKING. I hope you're all imagining it properly, because it's epic over here.

You'd better be there, Gin.

We are unsure about you, Percy. But we'll take your better half.




So, Father's Day isn't great for those of us with sucky fathers but I do want to point out that Cosette's Dad, Mr. Jean Valjean is a pretty damn amazing example of a dad, even to those of us who aren't his kids. He's opened his home up to a lot of crazy kids who needed somewhere safe to stay, offered us support and advice, and generally been a really awesome example of a father. My future dad in law is also amazing, and supportive, along with way he and future mom in law have opened up their house to me, let me hang out, babysat my cat, and generally approved of the illicit things I get up to with their son.

I guess...I'm luckier than I let myself think sometimes, even when I'm feeling kind of shitty about stuff. So, there's that, I guess, and two good examples out there. It's hard not to be bitter and angry but then I think about them and I...feel better I guess? Comforted. Something like that, I think.

And I know that when I'm ready, I'm going to be good with kids cause I now know what NOT to do and have had some good examples here.

It...helps make today work, I guess?

Also, "Cherie" had left a present on my pillow when I got home, which I found out this morning was a really crazy tie, so whichever of you wants to take credit for helping her pick that out...uh, thanks, you freaks, and I love you?


Hey guys. Been awhile, huh? How's everyone doing?

Sensitive Material Behind the Cut )




I am obsessed with lavender lemonade. It's so simple to make! And whoever thought of freezing lemonade in ice cube trays so they don't water down the beverage as they melt deserves a medal.




Okay so. I think I'm more of a Facebook guy, but Dana insisted I sign up here and I lack willpower apparently. Now that my obligations as a son have been dutifully completed, I guess now is a good a time as any.

So anyway. Hey. My name's Holden. I'm at UCI, this fall I'll be a senior. Um. That's about it, I guess.

What's this I hear about a camping trip, or...?




I sent a card to my dad this week for Father's Day but I haven't heard anything yet. I thought he might call me or text today but maybe the post was delayed or something.

But Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there - I hope you are having a good day!




Happy Father's Day, gentlemen. May we strive to be better fathers, brothers, etc. than our own, and better people in general.

Not that I have any complaints about my brother!

I'm just going to shut up now. You get the idea.


My grandmother is here! This makes me incredibly happy. And I will actually have time to spend with her as classes are finished for me now. I think this summer is going to be great.

I do hope everybody else is having a wonderful day - especially those who are Father's. In Sweden Father's day is not until November so I do not have to worry that I have forgotten it yet.



