
May 24th, 2013




Make the dreams of being a girl stop please because for five seconds there I don't want to be a girl!

...Also, my hair is silver in my dreams. What.




The closer summer and the end of the semester gets, the more I keep thinking about finding a dog for myself. Though my boyfriend may or may not be getting us a cat, so there's that to consider.

So I'll ask -- dog owners, what are the pros and cons of having your own dog? Especially a big dog.




I find it kind of hilarious that McDonalds keeps trying to make their food more healthy. I mean, an egg white McMuffin? I don't think many people who are concerned about healthy eating actually go to McDonalds, do they? I mean, kudos to them for trying and all, it just amuses me a bit.

In other news, I have somehow managed to get a full weekend off. Actually, I think the exact words were don't come near the station again until Tuesday morning. Which means I have a few days chock full of spare time. I suppose I'll have to find something to do with myself, then.




I feel well and truly welcomed back to the OC now.

First new dream in a while - I dreamt of my sister, of the mother I never got a chance to know. Fairly usual, except... Elphaba, why were you green?


I have a job waiting tables. It's not exactly what I wanted, but apparently being in the army means you have no real world experience. I'm not really surprised that so many people go back voluntarily after they come home.

Trying to fit in is a nightmare.




I think I shall get this early, so that I have enough time to prepare.

Much like last year, I shall produce a fireworks spectacular on the Fourth of July.

[Video of Fireworks, including massive exploding dragons]

I just need to secure a locale.




Anyone else ever have a shite week that never ends?




So that was weird. Go to sleep because you have a headache, toss and turn, and dream of being homeless and alone, parents dying horribly, and then becoming a superhero, given powers by a wizard. I don't know whether to think this is good, bad, or just plain weird.

Work is calling, and my headache is still trying to kill me.


Dear Asshole at today's work party:

Yes, that is a one-year coin from AA. That does not mean it's fucking funny to swap your bloody Mary for my virgin Mary. I'd about finished the Goddamn thing before I realized there was vodka in it. It wasn't easy to put down the last of it, either. That doesn't count against my sober date, either, because I didn't drink it on purpose, so screw you.

Enjoy your trip to HR - Love, the old bitch in the corner office

Flemeth, Thea, any of you girls, you know anybody who could maybe make a necklace out of this thing? It might be nice to always have it nearby. Especially if the dreams keep getting worse.



Things I Have Learned: The Hospital Edition (posted before Eowyn wakes up, whenever she does!)

1. Despite the large numbers of sick people, shiny machines that make noises, flashy lights, and people walking out with less money than they came in with, this hospital is not, in fact, a casino and yelling "Jackpot" when it's time for my fiancee's IV to get changed isn't appropriate or funny. ...Really.

2. Nurse Jerry is not, in fact, my arch rival, even if he does try to kick me out after visiting hours and I've had to resort to hiding in the ceiling as he comes to check. Nor is Nurse Patricia.

3. Laika is incredibly protective of both me and Eowyn. Therapy dogs are no longer allowed to visit us if she is in the room at the time.

4. Green Jello is the absolute best.

5. And so are those little individual cereal packets.

6. But really, do you have to give us an itemized list indicating that the meal contained a moist toilette? It's not something that either one of us is going to consume.

7. The chaplains are about as cool as army chaplains and willing to have long involved conversations with you about anything at all, even if you don't share a religion.

8. Meerkat Manor is actually pretty damn intriguing after the first two episodes, but thank fuck for closed captioning.

9. When you send friends to pick up clothes for you, they'll post embarrassing photos from your house online. So what if I sleep in a nest sometimes? It works for me.

10. As much of a good spin as I'm trying to give this doesn't make a damn thing better. Please let her wake up soon.




I may have severely overestimated my ability to plan things. But I'm going to try and actually, you know, put some organization into this Disney trip.

So! If you're planning on coming with us to Disneyland in the first week of June, please reply with your name and how many people are coming with you, and if you are willing to be a driver.




I like closing the shop by myself, in all honesty. I just put my headphones on and go through the closing procedures. With no one to bother me, I can get things done in record time. This is going to be an awesome weekend!

Not that I don't miss having Fred and George around. I hope they're having fun on the camping trip!

But yes. For now it's just me, my headphones, and counting cash. Then home for ice cream and Johnny Depp.