
April 29th, 2013



I wouldn't usually do this, but I am getting desperate, and I've heard people on this board can be very generous and helpful. Is anyone looking for a bodyguard? Or know where a former soldier could get some good work? I've just moved into the Newport Beach area and I don't have a job yet. If needed, I have references from former clients.




I've heard good things about this board, so I thought I'd join. Hi, I'm Abigail. My dad's on here too, so no talking about stuff that will get me into trouble. I'm seventeen, I'm graduating high school in August, and after that I'm going to UCI to major in psychology.

I'm also kind of bad at introducing myself. Sorry.




My name is Will Graham, and I was recommended to this network by a professional acquaintance. I train dogs for a living - I find them a fair amount kinder than people, most days. Though in the interests of full disclosure, I probably ought to state that if your dog is named Muffy and you're fond of kicking her when she misbehaves, I will seize possession of the dog and risk the misdemeanor.



network post: gwen cooper

Have you had those new wrap things they have at McDonalds? And that strawberry cream pie thing? OH. MY. GOD. With as much as I love McDonalds, it's a wonder I don't weigh a thousand pounds.

Anyhow, hello, Valarnet! Im Gwen Cooper. It's been so long I'm surprised I remembered my password. I'm going to try to keep up with this place a bit better in the future. Anyone I know still about?

Posted via Journaler.




Thank you to everyone who came and helped me schlep belongings from my old place to my new one this Saturday. I hope that the pastries, pizza and beer were enough to pay for all your hard work!

I'm surrounded by boxes! And the weather is so beautiful! I don't want to stay inside and work! It's okay, though. I'm sure I'll be unpacked soon.







i need to go running


Locked from Oliver and Verity
Anybody needs me, I'm at Jefferson's now.

[mobile number]


Yay, I started smoking again. Stress is the worst.



Today was the day!

here's a llama, there's a llama, and another little llama. Funny llama, fuzzy llama, llama llama duck )

Anybody who wants to sing the rest of the song with me? You totally CAN! This is Marguax and today she finally was able to come home! The trip was kind of awkward because I'd tried to force a resolution on an issue that has nothing to do with me, so, as far as family trips went? Weird city. But I'm pretty sure that it was worth it, and she's settling into her new home quite nicely. I can't wait until she's able to show!




Those awkward family car trips when you just want to get out and bang your head against something before you shoot somebody in the head? Yeah, that happened today. My insane brother, seriously, Ollie is a sweetheart, but he's got more than a couple screws loose if you ask me, decided it was at last time to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a Llama Owner last week, and today we went to pick his baby llama out.

I wish that i was kidding. I really, really do. An interminably long time in a car with your giddy as hell brother, and nobody past the age of thirty should bounce up and down in their seat for an entire two hours, really, your pissy agitated nephew and the best friend of your brother who currently doesn't get why the nephew isn't speaking to him and keeps trying attempts at conversation, to pick up a hoofed animal that can make wool and spit in your eye is...well, so not my idea of actually being fun.

I get that I should like, treasure family time or something, but come on. Roy was bitching and moaning, Ollie was humming, Barton was trying to make conversation, Barton's dog, who was actually the least of the problems, but looked like she wanted to fix the bitching, was there too, and then Barton's hearing aids went off when we entered one of the barns all about to kill each other.

He finally let me pull out my ipod on the way home, not that it worked for long out in the back country but seriously. This was weird. I'm not that sure I want to go ahead and do that kind of family thing again, you know?


Okay, so right now, this is the most amazing thing ever.

Totally not a rickroll, I promise.

You know what's also amazing? Coconut flavored rum. It is the most amazing thing ever.

After business cat. Who is all about business, as you might surmise from the name.




Film sets can be dangerous places. It's something those who work on them are aware of but it's always a horrible shock to be reminded. Thankfully everybody is okay.