
April 27th, 2013



Well hello there Valar Net,

I'm Callisto and I'm new in town, just moved here from Vancouver. I'm a stunt/fight co-ordinator and yoga instructor, so if anyone knows of any work going in those departments I'd appreciate if they could let me know.

Think I need a new manager too, this one's been less than helpful with my relocation. Could probably do with a smack across the face as motivation

Also on the look out for any sports or activity groups to join. Especially horse-riding, gymnastics and martial arts, again would like recommendations.

Thanks, hope to get settled in soon and mingle




So, I've been thinking about it and I think once I'm free of this sling, which should only be a few more weeks, I'm going to start taking kickboxing classes. I see the things I can do in my dreams and while I can do the acrobatics, I know nothing about the fighting part. Besides, I want to be able to protect myself if anything happens.

I'm also going to be talking to my coach soon about the possibility of me coaching. I just don't feel like competing again, in the Olympics, is what I should do and I don't think it's fair to all the other girls out there who had the dream that I had. My dream was to win and Olympic medal and last summer I won two. I'm satisfied. It was my father who wanted me to go back.

Besides, I like actually having a social life and friends and a boyfriend someone who likes me. I don't want to give all of that up to be in the gym 24/7.




Seriously gonna try and talk them into letting me play this. It was on the radio all the time back home, and it's so pretty.

I seriously love Agnetha you guys.




Ever have one of those days where nothing goes right?




So I spent the past two weeks in Washington state. It was quite entertaining!


Cut for medical grossness )

Are we certain there is no vodka served in the cafeteria? Even I could use a drink, after this.


Oh my god. Last night was kind of insane. I honestly have the craziest friends in the world. I mean, does anyone else know anyone who has tried to climb the Hollywood sign? And for any Law Enforcement Officials out there, by climb, I obviously mean, stood there and just looked at it.

I spent the morning developing all the pictures and I've got some fantastic ones of me, Minako and Zoeya goofing off on the Walk of Fame. And I have no idea what the name of that club was, but they had some really good drinks and the music wasn't bad.

Now, I need to go buy more developer.




I guess it's time to introduce myself. I've been lurking on here for a little while now, but have been so busy with training lately I haven't had the time to officially say 'hi'. My name is Katara and I live with my brother Sokka in Tustin. I go to school at UCI and I'm on the water polo team. We're just about to start the season so it's been a bit crazy trying to keep up with everything, but I love water polo so much I can't imagine my life without it. It's gotten me and my brother through some tough times.

Anyway, it's nice to meet everyone!




The next person to suggest 'speed dating' to me is going to get knocked out. This has been your only and final warning.


That's it, I'm taking a break from men. Except for you, Merlin, you're fantastic and a darling. The rest of them, however.



For the record, I have the world's best boyfriend. Just putting that out there. Percy's recently moved in with me, and it's ... well. The best thing to happen to me in years.

Also: what awful romance books have you lot read recently? Just curious about recommendations. I have reasons.




Wow, thanks to these two websites, my social life is sorted forever.

Thanks, internet!