
April 6th, 2013




Alright. Leaving for the hospital you guys. Wish me luck!




I'd just like to thank everyone who came to my book release party the other day. It was a delight seeing some of you, and meeting the rest of you. Really. Brilliant. And I appreciate it.




Any accountants around? Or just someone who likes to do people's taxes?
Mine ain't hard to do, but I gotta say I just don't really feel like cracking down on it this year. Apparently Uncle Sam frowns on that kinda thing though?


Got a letter from Mother, including a clipping about a study which shows how destructive same-sex marriage would be to British society. I'm fairly sure it's because Parliament approved a second reading of a bill which would allow it, at least in England.

It seems impossible to honor one's father and mother when they seem so ... ignorant.




I just realized that April 15th is a week from Monday. It'll be yet another first for me with my mom. My first birthday without her. Easter was fine, because we never really did anything on that day, but she always got me a cake on my birthday, even though it was usually just the two of us. And I'm sure Alyssa is gonna get me a cake, but it won't be the same. It's the firsts without her that make me miss her the most. And I know there are a lot more to come, but I think this one sucks the most.




I woke up with a cutie mark. A cutie mark.




Note to self: ignoring the internet for extended periods of time leads to withdrawals.




If between the clinic and the emergency room we somehow don't have a list of Items That Have Been Retrieved From Orifices In Which They Do Not Belong, we really ought to.

Noses are the worst, I think. When will children learn?




Well, shit.

Wish I could say I didn't see that one coming.



Hypothetical Question:

If your friend told you that another friend was disassociating pretty heavily, like to the point where you your friend had to jump into their face and slap them until they remembered where they were and what was going on, and they suspected this has happened more than once...

What would you do about it, Valarnet? What kind of help would you suggest they get? Does anybody here know anybody who works with stuff like that? I'd appreciate info I could maybe pass on?




Well, that was a senseless and irritating turn of events.