
March 7th, 2013




So, I need a sexy dress for an awards show event I'm going to soon. Anyone want to go shopping with me? I can't take the boyfriend - I want to surprise him.




I’m beginning to understand why so many women in those films swoon when watching jousting or fighting tournaments. The ones in my dreams have been quite impressive.

Of course it helps that I’m the manservant of the crown Prince who also happens to be the very best. Makes me quite proud among other things even if he can be a prat sometimes.




I know some people on here are going through some hard times. I just closed a case that was exhausting to get through. So yeah, sometimes life is bleak and shitty and terrifying.

So here's some dogs sneezing. It helps, promise.




I love letters from alumni associations. Not only do they usually get the Latin incorrect (a single alumni is an alumnus, people) but they're so optimistic about my ability to donate.

I haven't even finished off the loans yet, for Pete's sake.




Apparently I accidentally kill people in my dreams too. Though it seems like I've gone off the rails.

Guess I'm not that surprised. Looks like I'm a bad guy in my own fucking dreams. How lame is that?

I'm stronger than I used to be. I don't know if that's supposed to make up for something or what.

You know what I'm glad for though? The fact that no one from my dreams have shown up here.

Anyone want to go out and party? I'm done sitting around and moping about shit.

Locked from Logan

... So hey, call me curious, ladies of the county. I really like the guy, but I've been hearing so much around.

Has Logan Howlett in fact had sex with the OC?




Wow, apparently I'm in the wrong line of work. I should become a writer of adult romantic novels. Right now, there's a book on Amazon that's only fifty-two pages long that's selling for seven bucks.

Terribly written adult stuff below the cut. )

Maybe I should start a book club!


I was doing my homework and suddenly there was a kitten on my laptop.

I'm pretty sure we don't have a kitten, but I could be wrong. In fact, given the evidence purring in my lap right now, I'm 100% certain I was wrong and we do, in fact, have a kitten.

Which leads to a very important question:

Why do we have a kitten?




Today is LaMarque's birthday! Well, not the real LaMarque, but my LaMarque.

That is, today was my cat's birthday, and we had a bit of a party. He got a new collar and a catnip mouse, and Courfeyrac brought over tuna with a candle in it.

He's prancing around like the king of everything, very pleased with himself.

LaMarque, not Courfeyrac. Courfeyrac does that anyway.





So let's be honest, and we'll call that one a massive Thea fuck up. Not dismissing but just calling it like it is. I have hurt people and I'm sorry and I have no idea how you start apologizing for the fucked up shit like this. I knew what I was doing, and I did it anyway because...I don't even know why it happened.

I think it's really important that I figure out WHY it did so I don't wind up doing it again to somebody else, so that's what I'm mostly gonna be working on the next several weeks. I have no idea what you do to come back from this level of fuck up other than stay the hell away from the person you hurt, apologize, which sounds stupid and trite and nobody's gonna buy at this level, and...Yeah. The parts that follow are where I'm hitting walls.

So I'm that bitch who got caught mid pretty heavy makeout by her boyfriend, ex boyfriend, with another guy. I'd like to own it and repair it but some stuff you can't fix and I get that. Doesn't mean I don't want to TRY.