
March 5th, 2013




I'm so glad to be home. It's so much better than a hotel room and while it was still uncomfortable to try and sleep last night, my own bed is preferable. I'm still in pain, but it's not as bad as Saturday. I think the worst part about this is that I can't even dress myself. Jubilee had to help me last night and today and will probably have to help me for awhile.

At least I was able to find one of those voice text programs so I don't have to type.




So... who needs a roommate?




Hello, everyone! I'm Yukale (better known as Ravenwing), and this is my first time in the United States, and I'm visiting my cousin Sadako while I'm here to shoot some videos for my next album! It's been a lot of fun, just yesterday I was walking on the wing of an airplane. In the air!


TW: homophobia )




Have you ever noticed talking to some people is like talking to a wall? Except that my wall would be faster to answer me. You would think I was talking Greek or something instead of plain 'ol English.




I find that sometimes I forget about all this and that maybe I should check it a little more often. The Prix finals are not for nearly six more weeks so I figured it would be a good time to actually paint my new apartment. What I did not count on is the fact that I have a now very large puppy that apparently likes to roll in paint... It is a toss up on which there is more of on the walls and myself, paint or water from when I tried to give Jake a bath.

As for the unpacking it will probably never happen. I only rarely ever unpack anyhow as I seem to be a bit of a Gypsy these days and never in one place very long. After the Prix I could very well be offered a job in Europe somewhere.


Apparently I've joined the dreamers.

Just had the weirdest dream. I was a kid, able to control earth, water and fire. For some reason, everyone was very interested in that.

They called me the Avatar, and my life was changed forever.

Anyone ever seen something like that? Or did I have too much soda before bed last night?


Ice cream for lunch is the BEST kind of lunch!


Today is the 5th of March. I'm just going to say this now:
Our birthday? Totally in less than a month. I expect all the amazing things. And cake. There had better be cake.

This was your warning!




I'm ready to call the fucking Ghostbusters.




Forgive me for askin' out of nowhere, but would anybody be able to tell me who the man or woman in charge at Urdnot Ranch is? Un ami of mine, Scott Summers, had told me about your facilities, and I was wonderin' if I could maybe set up some kind of appointment so you can vet me for their use. Maybe my girlfriend, too.

Please let me know. Scott is unfortunately in hospital or I'd ask him.




As much as I wish it wasn't necessary, I'm beginning to realize I could use help with Alice on occasion. If anyone would be willing to watch a five year old once, perhaps twice, a week, I'd very much like a word with you.




Is this the apocalypse or something out here? I mean, work's starting to feel like I need to be legit armed with my real bow and trick arrows just in case, instead of the one I shoot with when I'm doing normal people shooting. You know, just in case the shit seriously hits the fan and I've got to protect my kids, and lead them in, I don't know, defending the castle.

Look, everybody's had that fantasy at least once in their life, and it's better than seriously thinking about a world ending cataclysm. Then again, in the OC, it's starting to feel like that kind of thing happens about as often as holidays. I wonder if there's some kind of statistical analysis thingie for how often weird shit goes down here. One of you science people ought to compile it. I'd offer to, but...dumbness.

I just need to know if I should be making my peace with Crom or something here, I guess. Thoughts on the creepy?




[Locked from Rufus Sixsmith]

Someone needs to help me. Or offer advice. Or something.

I dreamt about him. I dreamt we met at boarding school and that we fell in love and we kissed under the stars in Corsica.

I don't know what to do. This is good, right? I mean. I can't tell him, though. I can tell already I didn't treat him very well then. What if he has the same dreams?? What if he decides that my past might just repeat and he'll want nothing to do with me??

Help. :(




Newsflash. Apparently my sister is perfect. Fucking perfection.




Heard from my younger brother, this morning. He's still an idiot, but he is getting into the music business. He's a little crazy, but maybe he'll turn his voice into something good.

Business seems to have turned twice as good overnight. I can only assume this is due to my new employee. She's rather good at what she does and I wouldn't be able to make this place run half as well without her hard work.

It's nice to actually work with someone again. Been a long time since I did so, and it feels right.




Haven't been doing too good about talking on here.

Seems like work has been really busy since the blue flu thing went away. And even though Wonderland made the servers turn into ducks, that just made the bosses buy new equipment when the ducks, in the river, changed back and sank. Brand new servers and trunk equipment. It's pretty sweet to get to play with, er, I mean, work on. Heck, working on these things is play to me. They are awesome!

Went to the first D&D game I've been to in years yesterday, and it was fun, just like I remembered it. Somehow, it feels good to get the old dice out again and just play.

My therapist thinks things are turning up, recently and the work situation is helping, so that's good.




Hey guys, look, I found a new website! My name's Zelda. What's yours?
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