
March 3rd, 2013




I had dreams again. People write about this shit on here all the time, so I guess I should too. Be social.

I was on Death Row for taking a knife to my mother's throat. And I was...scared, I guess. I didn't want to die. I don't want to die now. Not ever. That end date was coming so close, that damn needle ready for my arm and pump me full of poison. How could they do that? How could they think of doing that to me? Yeah, I killed my mother and I feel bad about it. But I don't have to die for that, right?

And then Project Noah. They strapped me down, and I couldn't move, and there were other needles. Not full of poison, full of something else. It was insane, and I was out of my straps in two seconds and I was going right through people. Just...picking them up and splitting them in half. It was like my hands were knives, just tearing through skin and feeling all the blood rush over me and I had this huge big grin on my fucking face. It was...it was pretty fucking good.

So there's a good reason for all this shit, right?



Call to Faiza

Ring, Ring...

"I can't sleep."




Let me just say that typing one handed takes a lot more time and effort and I'm already tired enough, but I can't sleep because of the sling and the pain. I took pain meds, but every time I try to lay down it just feels awkward. I'm not used to sleeping on my back, but I can't sleep on my side.

I'm sure that flying back tomorrow is gonna suck too.




There's a reason we're not supposed to be doing magic in the halls. When I woke up this morning, my teeth were different. From the dream. And then I was helping Harry learn about Summoning Charms. I think I could do them in my sleep now.

Also, on my way to church this morning, I saw a little girl everywhere. Like, a ghost. I think with the Wonderland craziness and getting more and more excited about going to Mars I forgot about the hauntings people have been seeing. I must be slipping Are people still seeing her? Does anyone know who she is, or how we can help her?




I hope the baby comes soon. I can barely get out of bed.




Oh my god, it never ends.




I'm so glad that things aren't... freaky anymore Well, the world's not filled with giant mushrooms anymore. But strange things are still happening.

My mirror shattered last night when I looked into it. Just, completely shattered. I was going to call the maintenance guy we work with this morning, but when I went in there to look at it again, it was fine. No cracks at all.




These dreams are getting worse. Not even 11am and I need a drink.

It's not fair. She shouldn't have had to die like that
My hands were tied
I'm not a




I dreamed that I'm a very judgmental pony.





potentially triggery mention of fire-related violence against another person, contained within. )




There is just something about Monty Python in general that makes you stop and have to watch, no matter what it is. And Now For Something Completely Different was on this morning and now I've got The Lumberjack Song stuck in my head.

Had another dream last night. This one was about my parents. I didn't see it exactly, but was told about it, because I was apparently a baby when it actually happened. Unlike in the waking world, they died together when the ship they were on got caught in a storm and they were drowned. I try to think about what it would have been like if that had happened in the waking world and I honestly don't think either of my brothers would have ended up any different than they currently are.




shit whups okay

I'm afraid that there might have been a slight miscalucation with the amount I ate today to the amount I drank today and while I could write a research paper about it to explain the dangers of limit mechanics while trashed (as I am older and wiser than I was as an undergrad) what I basically want to know is where's Happy and don't tell Pepper okay thank you.


I had a Dream last night.

It was really vague... But there was a lady all in white that held me. I was younger, and all I really remember is that she was singing me lullabies.

She told me she loved me...




So, found this AWESOME website, and figured, TOTALLY FOR ME! So hi. My name is Steven. Most people call me Scoot. So feel free.
I need people to hang out with, just nothing to exerting I. bound too tightfell again off my motor scooter(see the name now?), and broke a rib.


The only bad thing about being in a good mood at work is that I look too cheerful, which is a bad thing in a doctor who works with cancer patients. I end up having to think of depressing things before I go into any patient room.

I blame certain people for my good mood. They know who they are, and they'll be punished in kind.