
February 6th, 2013




The trial is tomorrow. This time tomorrow, I may be free from my parents. I don't know why I'm so nervous, because Mr. Dresden says it's pretty much in the bag. I just can't help but think my dad is gonna do something to sway the judge or something. I mean, he can be really charming when he wants to be.

I think I just need a good night's sleep to try and take my mind off it.




Let's face it there is something extremely satisfying about running into an ex unexpectedly and looking better than they remember. It is just that look they give you when they realize it and know they lost their chance. It is not like he could find a girl prettier than me any how.




Is there anyone hiring? My skillset involves shooting people training in water purification systems, shooting people vehicle repair and shooting people electronics repair.




This is well naff. How the hell was that worth firing me for?

Bloody idiots. Valarnet, help cheer me up?


I just heard that you can get drunker quicker when you mix alcohol with diet coke instead of regular, cause diet has no sugar and gets into the bloodstream quicker. Looks like my new drink of choice is rum and diet coke.

Since today is my day off, I think I'm gonna try a few of these new cupcake recipes I found last night.




Wednesday afternoon, on a coffee break. New job isn't that bad, though, it's really, really awkward working with my ex is pretty awesome. It's challenging without being impossible, and I really feel like I'm helping instead of hurting. At the same time I'm still in the training phase, so that all may change.




This looks stupid, but I'm bored at work so... Hello. My name is Tiffany.




It's so strange getting these dreams out of order. I watched Rory die. And be erased from existence. And I forgot him. I forgot all about him.

It was a little confusing when I woke up sobbing, and found Rory right there by my side.




Does anyone here maybe know a good place to buy records? I mean, old vinyl, not the new stuff.




Ladies & Gentlemen!

Enchanté. A tip of the hat from Dr. Facilier. I'm a little new to town. Louisiana native, born and bred. Owner and proprietor of Facilier's: we sell anything you need.

How y'all doin'?




No leads on Michiru. What a pain.

Are police so incompetent? Not all, just the ones working on this case.


I would like to know. For those of you that have cats and dogs. Is it only my cat whose bum apparently contains a portal to hell? Honestly, I know what I feed him. Where does it acquire such an appalling smell?




Things I should be doing: studying 18th century music literature and practicing my pieces.

Things I am doing: learning a varying degree of Quilter to play for vocal students and watching re-runs of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Does anyone out there believe in going out on Wednesday nights? If you say yes, first round is on me. I promise. Let's go do something fun.




Why, yes, that was me rocking out and singing along to "Bye Bye Bye" when it came on the radio at the garage today.


Weird dreams. Weird, unpleasant fucking dreams.

Sammy )
Cas )




Hello! Ladies, gentlemen, strange creatures of indeterminate origin... my name is the Doctor (or at very least, I'd be obliged if you'd call me that), and I'm very, very glad to meet you all!

If anyone could tell me if there's a place that sells jelly babies in this state, I would be very, very appreciative. Running a little low, you see.