
January 20th, 2013




I'm almost definitely going home tomorrow, and Joly and Marius, who I gave this thing to are going to be okay too. This is the outcome that I didn't see coming, even as of two days ago. I'd imagined when everything started to fail, that I was never getting out of this bed or walking out, but I'll be getting there under my own power several hours from now, and going home, and somehow, against all odds, they found the cure and manufactured it in time.

The time HAS been helpful in a couple ways. I've learned a lot. About myself, about philosophy and about my friends. It's a crazy way to get to know someone you thought that you already knew, especially with Joly who got this thing almost at the same time I did, which meant we spent a lot of time together. And well, with everybody who was quarantined with us too.

The other thing I learned, the most important one in all of this is that I shouldn't always have to hide emotions, feelings, or anything else. They don't actually make me weak, and sharing some of them can help to break the ice, or even just to let people know how you feel in case it's too late.

I've learned not to put that kind of thing off, and that the time to say that you appreciate someone is probably when it occurs to you, before it's to late. So that said:

Joly, Combeferre, Jehan, Bossuet, Marius, Courfeyrac, Grantaire? Thank you.

You mean more to me than I can actually put into words. Not to get too Hallmark on all of this, but you, yes even you, Grand R, are my friends. My BEST friends, and I never say this but I love you and appreciate what you've done for me, and what you were prepared to do. If you hadn't been here, I don't know that I would be here now.

Thank you for that, and for the other support as well, the soup and reading, and the entertainment value. I hope we never have to do something like this again, but if we do? I'm comforted by knowing we'll be there together.

I'm lucky, really lucky that I've been given you guys, and the supportive people on this network. Thank you, and I mean that.




I almost wish I'd had the chance to better analyse whatever that epidemic was. Something about it's just... fascinating.




And so, yet another plague starts to fall by the wayside. Humanity never ceases to amaze me.


On behalf of the Irvine General Hospital board I would like to thank the men and women who continue to work so hard to ensure that all patients receive the best care possible in such difficult circumstances.

Your hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed.


If anyone needs me, I'll be at the bar. [address here]

Anyone, and I mean anyone, who wants to join me is welcome. First round is on me.




My dreams just make me sound like more and more of a bitch. God. I would never... I mean, not in this lifetime. Draco, too. We're like, the epitomy of nasty. I know how bad bullying is. It sucks, and being bullied sucks even harder. I wouldn't do that here. Not the way I did in the dreams.

What kind of a name is 'Umbridge' anyway? She's such a troll.




It was really strange not going to church this morning.




It seems my dreams get stranger. I'm not sure I can count that one to the fever. Powers? Living islands?




Strangest dreams lately. Don't even know if I should

I have to ask. Does anybody else have... strange genderbending moments in their dreams? Because honestly, that's the part I'm finding oddest. Never mind the uterus thing




Maaaaaan. No wonder some people don't like game centres! In my dream, last night, there was this game, right? And it was all about this Cyber Girl Lurga! It was a really, really cool VR game, and it came out on the Famicom and everything!

(I had a Famicom when I was growing up. It was so badass.)

And! And! It drove everyone to obsession! Sailor V had to come by and save the day! And she got stuck in the video game and this otaku guy had to take control and help save the day... I guess he wasn't all that bad, really. Amano-kun, seriously <3

AND THEN A PERVERT TOOK MY PICTURE WHEN I WAS COMING OUT OF THE BATHROOM. That was a different dream, but still. :| Some people. And then, when he became evil, Sailor V took him down by putting a bikini on. Seriously all it took. I mean, I do look fabulous, but




School soon! I've never been so excited to be bored in a classroom!




These dreams are enough to give a man a headache. Magic? Murderous teachers? Secret societies? Me as a wizard? What the heck did I drink last night?

Not to mention dreaming I accidentally killed my dream girlfriend while facing my dream mentor who was trying to zombifie my dream brain is really not a cool way to wake up. And these secret wizard councilors are dicks. Holding a 16 year old accountable for killing his mentor in self defense? Bullshit. Not even a bad court would do that here, not and last long.

Stupid dream.




I am so lost for inspiration today it's not funny. Everything I've tried designing today was shit.




Ah, yes, back to the old grind. (Yes, I intended the pun.) The studio is not going to let any of us work in Orange County proper, so they are flying some people to San Fransisco (where I am currently) so we may film in historic places.

I hope I do not get arrested again. Is anyone on here a lawyer? I may need bailing out on a public indecency charge on Tuesday.

Edit; I am very lucky. I accidentally proposed and he said yes. Do not tell me I am stupid for accidentally proposing, I know!




Well, I was going home...until my lung collapsed as they gave me the medication. I'm stuck in hospital for a few more days, but the morphine fairies are dancing in front of my eyes so I think I'll be all right. Still, I miss home.




I can't wait to go back to work tomorrow!! It's so good to be home!! Yes, the shop is open, even though it's a holiday. So come by and give me some love! I can't wait to see all of your beautiful, shining, not-blue faces!!




I am so tripping balls, right now. That's what the kids say, isn't it? Tripping balls?

I assure you, my balls are in fine order.

I even had them examined.




Did anyone else watch the sporting events this weekend? My eyeballs have been glued to the telly since Celtic's match yesterday against Midlothian. 4-1 win, in case you missed it, leaving Celtic +9 over Inverness in the league. Love to see the lads on top, even if it's without me.

Thanks to Thor, however, I've gotten more than a little invested in American Football. Nae that bad, if I'm honest, though it's no proper football for sure.

I watched both division final matches today and caught glimpses of a few hockey derbies during the adverts, as well. That's one thing I sorely miss about the BBC; just think about how short an American Football match would be without the breaks.

In any case, I'm thrilled over the 49ers win. Mate of mine back home is a right die hard so I cannae very well support against them. Though, my head nurse is apparently a Greenbay supporter and threatened to cut my meds if I rubbed last week's match in her face again. That's alright because there is plenty other material to rib her over.

Pity about New England's match, though... Sort of fancied a Brady-Kaepernick face off. Instead it will be duelling head coaches. As I understand it last year's Super Bowl boasted the same feat - competing brothers. Let's hope it's a fair fight.