
January 14th, 2013



[Filtered to Tony Stark]

Mr. Stark... you don't know me, but I work in your offices. I'm entry level or something, whatever... titles don't matter. I've heard your company is working on a cure for the virus. I want in on it. I'm a chemist, call me a super chemist. I'm one of the smartest and best chemists on your staff, I guarantee you. And I also guarantee you if you let me in there, I'll find a cure.

Oh and uh, my name's Peter Parker. You can look me up if you don't believe I work there.




It was nice to go to sleep and dream of a time after the war for once. I am sure there will be more of those dreams but it was a nice change. I got the impression it was one of the first times Bill and I really got to enjoy the fact that we were married. I got to be Fleur Weasley instead of Fleur the Order member and fighter. I have to admit the first has a great sound to it but I think that has more to do with the amazing man that decided to give me his name. My biggest worry was how to tell Bill about the baby. It was completely unexpected but I don't think an unwelcomed surprise.

It was a nice little dream especially considering what is going on here in the real world. I just wish I could do more than help care for those that are sick and comfort those that are struggling. I am lucky I am not sick and even more lucky Bill is not sick. I would have been besides myself. This once the dreams were a good thing.




I wish I was spending this time reading great works of literature or painting or doing something that matters.

Instead, all I can do is stay home and watch absolutely awful telly. Whoever comes up with the programming for TLC is plotting mankind's slow demise.

I have a question for those who have strange dreams - does anyone know any herbal remedies to keep me from having them? I don't know what to do.




Note to self: When there's a plague raging the world or whatever, don't fall asleep and forget to call your Mom.

She'll, uh, make you regret it.

In other news: what's up, Internet? Aside from all the awful stuff, I mean.




Allegedly the internet will be a good way to increase my client reach, so here I am. Yes, you've probably seen me around at the clubs. People tend to call me "that guy with the hair". It runs in the family.

Granted, nobody's going clubbing at all right now. I expect everyone's as terrified as I am.